Friday, 28 July 2023 13:00

Hogwarts Legacy Dialing It Back May Be What the Series Needs

Written by William Arthur Carter
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Hogwarts Legacy's potential sequel will have a lot to live up to, but adopting a lighter and more upbeat tone could be the key to success.

Hogwarts Legacy did well to capture the heart, spirit, and tone of the wizarding world. It's an experience that some may have thought that developer Avalanche Software was ill-equipped for, but though it has its issues, the end result was something that gaming has needed for a long time. An accurate adaptation of the iconic castle, plenty of interesting side quests with compelling characters, and enough customization to go around kept even the keenest fans satisfied. Its sales were astronomical, so a follow-up seems inevitable, meaning it looks as though the developer has a successful IP on its hands.

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