Sunday, 27 August 2023 01:49

This May Be The Grossest Horse Moment Ever Captured in Red Dead Redemption 2

Written by Kevin James Billings
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A Red Dead Redemption 2 player's personal moment with their horse takes a disgusting turn as the horse relieves itself on its owner.

While exploring the open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 can leave players dirty enough, one player's horse took this to a disgusting extreme as they pass the time in one of the game's many towns. Arthur Morgan's cleanliness is something Rockstar makes a keen point of keeping up with because, as in real-life, it can impact relationships with other characters and Arthur's own physical performance. However, one horse takes this to a new level and gives their owner a front-row seat to the disgusting act, while the player can only stand there and watch.

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