Monday, 23 October 2023 22:00

LOTR: The Kinslaying, Explained

Written by Minaal Shamimi
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The Ñoldor committed several atrocities against other Elves during their quest to reclaim the Silmarils – which are now remembered as the Kinslaying.

Many of the gaps and inconsistencies in the lore of The Lord of the Rings are resolved in J. R. R. Tolkien’s collection of unpublished writings, The Silmarillion. The bulk of it focuses on events that took place before and during the First Age — the most prominent being the War of the Jewels. The conflict began in the Years of the Trees, after Morgoth (or Melkor) destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor. Only the Silmarils, a set of three gems crafted by the Ñoldorin Elf Fëanor, contained the remaining light of the Two Trees as they were created from their essence. Morgoth then killed Finwë, Fëanor's father, stole the Silmarils to set them in his crown, and escaped to Middle-earth. Furious, Fëanor and his seven sons vowed to wage war against anyone who withholds the Silmarils from them. What followed was a series of “great wrongs achieved by the accursed oath”, known as the Kinslaying.

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