Fighters in Divinity: Original Sin 2 can pertain to anyone who's had training in any type of weapon. Technically speaking, any character in the Larian Studios title can become a melee powerhouse with the right investment in the Warfare skill school. While tanks need to capitalize on their Warfare skills, enough points in the same area can give a Spellcaster a fighting chance in close-quarters combat.
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However, the free-for-all skills system in Original Sin 2 can feel overwhelming for players who want to make melee characters. After all, if a melee skill gives any character a shot in surviving melee combat, just which Warfare skills are the right investment?
10 Whirlwind

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 2
Sometimes, the best offense lies in the most basic of attacks. Thankfully, Whirlwind is as straightforward as it gets. When cast, the warrior hits enemies around them with a whirlwind attack. This strike deals 100-percent damage to all enemies within 4.5-meters of the character.
Whirlwind is a great deterrent when the tank ends up getting surrounded by enemies. Whirlwind is also a great skill to pair with Phoenix Dive, especially if a tank wants to use this to get into position within the enemy lines.
9 Enrage

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 2
Battles always have risk, and sometimes the best support comes in the form of a very angry berserker. Enrage allows the caster to motivate an ally with the power of anger and rage. At the cost of Silence, the target character will get the Enraged Status. This status grants them a 100-percent chance to land Critical Hits via weapon skills and even basic attacks. Moreover, this status also clears Charmed, Clear-Minded, Mad, Taunted, and Terrified Statuses.
If an ally, unfortunately, gets Charmed or Taunted (e.g., if their character has Glass Cannon and they get maximum AP at the cost of easier status penetration), then Enrage is a nifty way to get out of that debuff. Furthermore, since the Enraged Status only lasts for a turn, the guaranteed Critical Hits can still make a dent against the enemy's numbers.
8 Bouncing Shield

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 1
A Shield paired with a One-Handed weapon gives any warrior a decent combination of offense and defense. And thanks to Warfare, any Shield-toting Fighter or Knight has a chance to use unique Shield-specific skills. For instance, early-game Bouncing Shield will have the caster's Shield deal 70-percent of the Shield's Physical Armour as damage to up to two enemies within 5-meters of each other.
Granted, its damage value isn't extremely high, but its 13-meter length can easily give a melee fighter a nifty long-ranged attack. Additionally, its early-game accessibility gives incentive for fighters to appreciate the added defense and combat viability of the Shield.
7 Crippling Blow

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 1
A stunned enemy is simply a death wish waiting to happen, and Crippling Blow is a low-level stun that works great against other melee combatants. When cast, Crippling Blow allows the caster to make a sweeping blow against the target and other enemies around them. If Crippling Blow gets to penetrate through Physical Armour, enemies hit not only get 115-percent weapon damage but also become Crippled.
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Thanks to this status effect, not only do enemies get stunned, but they also get a 30-percent penalty to dodging. Crippling Blow can help warriors stun a cadre of melee enemies or even a boss for their other allies to finish off. Crippling Blow is also handy against pesky opponents who have a lot of attacks to throw.
6 Guardian Angel

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 3
Given the combat-oriented nature of warriors, they're not always keen on moving around the battlefield a lot. In turn, a preoccupied warrior can't always defend nearby allies such as Spellcasters as soon as an enemy gets to them. Thanks to Guardian Angel, distant warriors still have a shot at defending nearby teammates.
This skill essentially acts as a tank's damage mitigation system. When cast, Guardian Angel redirects 50-percent damage of all attacks allies should receive towards the caster instead. This skill works best when tanks in question still have a ton of Armour remaining or have easy access to healing skills.
Guardian Angel works for melee-oriented playstyles or when enemies ambush a tank and their Spellcaster allies.
5 Blitz Attack

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 2
Any frontline combatant such as a Fighter or a Knight relies on close-range tactics to overwhelm their targets. Unfortunately, this does mean they might have a hard time repositioning if a faraway ally gets in trouble. Thanks to Blitz Attack, a warrior not only gets a handy speed boost to aid an ally but they also get to attack nearby enemies on their way.
When using this skill, a caster jumps and attacks up to two targets within a 10-meter radius. This skill easily becomes nifty for quick repositioning, or getting to an endangered ally and hitting potential attackers for an early counter-offensive.
4 Battering Ram

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 1
Battering Ram serves as a nifty and early-game variant of Blitz Attack. When cast, Battering Ram sends players rushing forward in a 12-meter line. However, they also deal 50-percent weapon damage to all enemies within that path. Like Blitz Attack, the player stuns all enemies hit with the attack via the Knocked Down status.
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Players might want to use Battering Ram more than Blitz Attack due to this Knocked Down debuff. After all, a single turn being stunned can give players enough time to set up powerful combos. Likewise, a tank who just stunned their enemies can reach an ally in danger much faster and without the risk of unnecessary retaliation.
3 Thick Of The Fight

Requires: 2 AP, 1 Source Point, Warfare 3
Everyone loves a good all-around brawl, and Thick Of The Fight takes full advantage of the chaos around the caster. When cast, this skill gives the caster a 10-percent damage boost for every nearby creature. Yes, the boost counts not just allies and enemies, but also totems and summons.
Ideally, Thick Of The Fight is best used when a fighter is surrounded by creatures in a tight space. However, players can maximize Thick Of The Fight by transforming their target into the ideal bait. After all, when their tank ends up becoming the center of attention, summoners can whip out their best companions and totems to give their teammate an insane power boost.
This skill works great against bosses with backups, or when the party is trying to get to a boss using multiple melee characters.
2 Battle Stomp

Requires: 2 AP, Warfare 1
Despite its early-game presence, Battle Stomp can serve as one of the most useful skills in a melee combatant's arsenal. When cast, the fighter smashes their weapon into the ground to deal 60-percent weapon damage to non-allies in a 10-meter line. This attack can also set Knocked Down to opponents.
Like Battering Ram, Battle Stomp's stun lasts for one turn. However, its most useful feature is its ability to clear clouds and surfaces, provided they're not Cursed. In turn, Battle Stomp easily becomes one of the best early-game debuff-clears against other skill schools.
1 Phoenix Dive

Requires: 1 AP, Warfare 2
Inasmuch as Phoenix Dive doesn't do much damage, it has a ton of potential as a practical mobility skill. Essentially, Phoenix Dive lets the user leap to any position within a 13-meter radius. Upon landing, they create a fire surface that can damage nearby enemies.
Tanks and melee attackers can use Phoenix Dive for a setup towards an immediate combo. After all, 1AP is a generous cost for a far-reaching mobility skill – perfect for advances or reinforcements. However, Phoenix Dive is a convenient means to set up combos of other characters, too. For instance, a well-placed blood or oil puddle in the area can explode thanks to Phoenix Dive!
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