Saturday, 30 December 2023 02:40

Why Fans Can Expect At Least One New Weapons Manufacturer in Borderlands 4

Written by Richard Warren
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While Gearbox will likely continue to expand upon Borderlands’ current lineup of weapons manufacturers, one newcomer is likely for BL4.

Not only does the Borderlands franchise offer many memorable characters like Handsome Jack, Zer0, and Tiny Tina, but the companies that make the franchise’s many guns also have their own identities. Players can instantly tell the difference between a Jakobs weapon and a Maliwan gun, with the former’s one shot one kill focus clashing with the latter’s emphasis on elemental damage. Add in unique slogans, histories, figureheads, and motivations, and Borderlands’ weapon brands become a key part of the series. Naturally, they are sure to be a key aspect of Borderlands 4.

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