Sunday, 31 December 2023 17:06

Horizon 3's Antagonist May Mean One Zero Dawn Character Takes On a Totally New Role

Written by Elena Baker
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Horizon Zero Dawn told the story of the civilization that fell to the Faro Plague, but the threat of Nemesis could bring back one main character.

Horizon Zero Dawn introduced the protagonist Aloy, the lonesome outcast turned brave savior in her quest to save the world. However, the story didn't quite start with Aloy, but rather Ted Faro's fatal machine mistake, and Elisabet Sobeck's efforts after that. While Horizon Zero Dawn focused on the fall of civilization and retrieving answers from the past, Horizon Forbidden West takes Aloy to a new dangerous landscape, where the unknown is as prominent as the danger, branching from the mighty Tenakth tribe to the extraterrestrial threat of the Far Zenith.

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