Sunday, 31 December 2023 23:58

How Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk's Double Battles Break The Fourth Wall

Written by Andrea Trama
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk is a unique DLC, and its approach to double battles can be quite a fourth-wall-breaking experience for fans.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disk may have some cut content that players will never see, but it was and still is a good Pokemon DLC nonetheless, especially seeing how much content there is for players to grind through. From Indigo Disk's Snacksworth and Legendary Pokemon to hidden loot caves in Area Zero, there are many things for players new and old alike to look forward to, even before they wrap up the story. Doing this, however, will unlock several other features and will finally allow players to start obtaining Stellar Type Shards to change their critters' Tera type into Terapagos' signature one. Another interesting aspect of the DLC is its focus on double battles, and while this is good practice for official Pokemon VGC formats, it also breaks the fourth wall.

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