Wednesday, 31 January 2024 22:22

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Prove Gen 10 Arbok Needs Incineroar's Treatment

Written by Andrea Trama
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduced broken new critters and made older ones equally powerful, and it's time Gen 10 does the same with Arbok.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet may not meet the series' standards when it comes to how polished they were on launch and how smoothly some past games have typically run, but they do raise the bar to incredible levels for future games when it comes to new Pokemon. Gen 10 is likely to come in 2025 or 2026 at worst, with The Pokemon Company seemingly sticking to its successful three-year development cycle, although this has yet to be confirmed, and it's not going to have an easy time with its new pocket monsters after Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Gen 9 Pokemon and even some returning mons are some of the best in the series, and if there's one that deserves some love is Gen 1's Arbok.

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