Thursday, 06 May 2021 17:30

10 Avengers Memes That Will Make You Cry Laughing | Game Rant

Written by Bob Robert
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Not even the Avengers can save Marvel fans from the gut-busting power of these memes!

The Avengers movies provided fans with a good stream of entertainment as it was action-packed, had a lot of "edge of your seat" moments, and was in all a delight to watch. Each movie had its funny moments, but there are memes that make them even funnier.

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Even the most serious moments when made into memes can make the hardest of people chuckle. These memes help fans cope with some of the tragedies that occurred in the events that played out over the course of the movies and also create a more powerful fanbase for the Marvel Universe.

10 His Quiver Probably Just Makes More

One has to wonder just how Hawkeye brings in just enough arrows for his missions. Does he retrieve some from his victims? Or perhaps his secret ability is manufacturing more arrows as he goes along. We may never know. However, one would think it wise to bring a whole truck of arrows since it's obviously an invasion but Hawkeye knows best. It's funny how no one in the avengers ever pointed out that he would need more arrows - then again, one arrow might down two or more targets.

9 Look Twice Next Time

That moment when one's about to lay waste to all in his sight - probably because of a missing pencil or something - and then realizing that it was in their pocket all along. It was quite surprising that Bruce Banner could switch to his Hulk form and remain that way for a while and instead of going on a rampage destroying everything in his path he was actually kind and had a lot of fans. It still took a while to get used to kind and gentle Hulk though.

8 It's Complicated

The thing that surprised most fans of Captain America was the fact that he grew a beard. His increasing seriousness was never a shock. What was surprising was watching Thor and Iron Man switch up their roles over the course of the movies. In the last movie, it was all very obvious.

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Thor was hilarious and Iron man was rather more serious about things - look where it got him. It sure would have been a major plot twist if Captain America became the funny one in the group.

7 Never Underestimate A Jar Of Dirt

If having an army is a threat, then having a Hulk means The Avengers have basically won the war. When it comes down to weapons of mass destruction, then Captain Jack Sparrow's jar of dirt takes the cake. It's hilarious how Jack blended in with this meme but like other things, he makes it work quite well. If they are talking about stuff they have, then there's no reason why Jack shouldn't flaunt his jar of dirt.

6 There's Enough Disgrace To Go Round

One has to agree that the funniest person in this meme has to be Thor and all we can ask is - WHY? The god of thunder getting bested by a few watts of electricity was disgraceful. Hulk wearing necklaces has to be the most embarrassing moment of his entire career. Nothing much can be said about Hela. If she's the goddess of death it's safe to say she allowed herself to die right? Loki however has to be the most ashamed - getting tricked by Black Widow despite being the god of mischief was just disappointing.

5 There's A Difference

Thor's hammer is one of the most impressive weapons among those of the avengers - besides Iron Man's suit of course. He uses it to fight evil and is the only one that can wield it.

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He's the only one allowed to throw a hammer and get away with it. Anyone else throwing a hammer clearly has anger issues unless the hammer found that person worthy, in which case, such a person should join The Avengers.

4 How Did This Happen?

The original Avengers are down to zero! The saddest ending has to be that of Iron Man but generally, in Endgame, the defenders of Earth took a huge blow despite defeating Thanos. This meme illustrates just how much The Avengers had to sacrifice to win the war against Thanos. Hopefully, the next generation of avengers can give justice to the legacies of their predecessors.

3 Let's Not Lose Our Cool Over Such A Brilliant Joke

It makes sense that something with windows will need curtains. What's really funny is the fact that Captain America kept a serious face during this supposed conversation. This joke was obviously well constructed and actually has meaning behind it. It's nothing to fight over, especially when it's seemingly coming from the most serious person in the bunch.

2 We've All Been There

There are those moments when one feels like one has achieved god status. One of such moments is when one realizes they're dreaming without waking up. The power to rule the world at one's fingertips. One could imagine anything and the dream could play out however the individual sees fit - subconsciously though. It puts into perspective just how impressive the human mind works.

1 He Just Lost His Cool That's All

Many fans were mad at Star Lord for being "useless" in Infinity Wars thanks to the way he ruined the plan to get the Infinity Stones from Thanos. After finding out that the woman he loved was killed by Thanos, he lost his temper right when the plan was about to work. His outburst gave Thanos the chance to break free and it all went downhill from there, for mankind and the universe at large.

NEXT: 10 Hilarious Memes That Prove A Deadpool & Spider-Man Movie Needs To Exist

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