Blushing Beach (Night) is one of the more unusual courses in New Pokemon Snap. Players won't unlock it until they've gained access to the Durice Island Illumina Spot and there's absolutely no need to visit it in order to progress the story. Even so, there are some pretty unique photo opportunities for those willing to seek them out as well as two Pokemon that can't be found anywhere else in the game.
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Anybody hoping to complete their Photodex will therefore need to pay the course at least one visit in order to snap pictures of Zangoose and Seviper. They're just two of 20 different Pokemon types that can be found on the beach at night though, many of which behave differently than they do in New Pokemon Snap's other courses. As with the Beach (Day) course, there's only one alternate route to worry about and it's unlocked by default, so fully exploring the course needn't take up too much of a player's time.

- Crabrawler - There are Crabrawler on both of the main beach sections. At research level 2, they can be made to interact with Pikachu, Exeggutor and Sandygast for some unique photo opportunities.
- Exeggutor - There are Exeggutor sleeping on the beaches at the start and the end of the course. If players lure the nearby Crabrawler over to the first one that they come to using Fluffruit, it will pinch the Exeggutor and cause it to chase the Crablawler throughout the course. Not only does this fulfill a photo request, but it also allows players to get three and four star photos of both Pokemon.
- Drifblim - There are Drifblim floating around near the very beginning of the course. At research level 2, there'll also be some near the point where the alternate and default routes join back up again.
- Zangoose - There are two Zangoose on the opening beach and another sat patiently waiting on the secret beach. At research level 2, there'll only be one on the opening beach and hitting Primarina with an Illumina Orb will cause it to walk off.
- Seviper - There's a Seviper hiding in the bush just before the stone arch (the same one that the Bellossom were hiding in during the daytime). At research level 2, coaxing it out will lead to a confrontation between it and the Octillery out on the rocks a little later on. If players hit the Primarina with an Illumina Orb and bring it out, it will also get into a fight with Zangoose. In doing so, players can get four star photographs of all three Pokemon.
- Vivillon - Vivillon show up just past the bush where Seviper is hiding. At research level 2, there'll also be a group to the player's right immediately after they enter the course.
- Inkay - There are Inkay in the water all around the course, although the best place to snap a photo is out on the rocks at research level 2. If players can lure them all together with Fluffruit and use the Melody Player, they'll get a great photo opportunity.
- Pyukumuku - There are a group of Pyukumuku on a rock just before the entrance to the secret beach. At research level 2, if players trigger the concert event, another will show up on the secret beach.
- Magikarp - There's a Magikarp flopping around on a rock out on the default route. At research level 2, another can be made to pop out of the water near the bush where Seviper is hiding.
- Octillery - Octillery hangs out on a rock on the default route. At research level 2, if players summon the angry Seviper from the bushes, hitting the nearby Crystabloom with an Illumina Orb will cause Octillery to fight back and allow players to take a nice four star photo. They'll just need to be sure that Seviper is also in it. At research level 2, another will show up near the end of the course too.
- Clamperl - There's a group of singing Clamperl out on the rocks that are on the course's default route. At research level 2, they'll disappear although a single Clamperl can still be found on a nearby rock.
- Corsola - There's a Corsola sat on the secret beach not too far from the Zangoose.
- Mareanie - Mareanie is sat with Corsola on the secret beach waiting for the concert, although like the player, the pair will have to wait until research level 2.
- Alolan Raichu - There's an Alolan Raichu surfing around on its tail on the final beach. At research level 2, it can instead be found fast asleep on the rock where Magikarp was flopping around at research level 1.
- Finneon - There is a school of Finneon in the shallow waters near the final beach section. Hitting them with Illumina Orbs and using the Melody Player will cause them to leap out of the water, presenting players with a nice four star photo opportunity.
- Pikachu - A couple of Pikachu show up on the opening beach once players reach research level 2. They'll play together for a bit and then get distracted by a nearby Crabrawler.
- Primarina - Players will be able to see Primarina sat on a rock pillar over to the right as soon as they enter the course. It's a tricky shot, but hitting it with an Illumina Orb will lead to it making its way to the secret beach and performing a concert a little later on. Not only can players get a four star photo of it singing, but if they hit the nearby Crystabloom with an Illumina Orb it will change songs which pleases the Zangoose in the audience and fulfills yet another photo request.
- Wingull - There's a sleeping Wingull out on the rocks near where the group of Clamperl were at research level 1.
- Bellossom - Bellossom show up on the secret beach for Primarina's concert.
- Sandygast - Sandygast start out buried in the sand but can be easily spotted thanks to the little red spades. Hitting them with Fluffruit will cause them to come out of the ground, although luring a nearby Crabrawler to the first one with Fluffruit will fulfill one of the course's many photo requests and reward the player with two four star photos.
NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations