Friday, 07 May 2021 10:01

Outriders Inventory Restoration is Giving Players an Unfair Advantage

Written by Anthony Taormina
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The recent inventory restoration for Outriders has given players gear that offers them a unique advantage and impossible mod combos.

This week, Outriders developer People Can Fly began its inventory restoration process with characters that fall under Group A. According to PCF, Group A includes any players who lost access to their characters because of a full inventory wipe. Group B, for those that are curious, are characters that lost some gear but could still continue playing. Group C is players who did not encounter a bug but will still receive some items as part of the general inventory restoration.

But while the inventory restoration process was supposed to be a positive thing for Outriders, it seems to have resulted in some unexpected frustrations for the community. Players who were not part of the inventory restoration are finding that they are now at a disadvantage compared to those who were.

RELATED: Outriders is Now Working on Group B and C Restoration

The key point of contention within the Outriders community is in the form People Can Fly decided to restore players’ loot. Because the developer felt that players had lost a lot of farming time, PCF decided to make every piece of restored loot a “god roll.” This means that weapons and armor had the highest maximum stat rolls possible, or close to those maximums.

For most within the community, this was an expected and deserved compensation for losing access to characters for the last few weeks. Yes, it might be harder for non-wiped characters to get these types of stat rolls, but it is still possible with some grinding.

However, the other element with restoring players’ loot is that each armor piece had its mods unlocked. So if players had slotted a Tier 3 mod onto a piece of armor, they could now put another Tier 3 in the other slot. This is a huge advantage for those pieces of loot because the Outriders mod/crafting system has some limitations.

The limitation with Outriders’ mod and upgrade system is that players can only replace one of the two mods on a piece of armor. Once players replace one of the mods on they can continue to swap out that slot but the other mod is locked and unchangeable.

In most cases, players will search for a piece of armor with one mod they like and then swap the other for a Tier 3 mod. Legendary armor notwithstanding, the average Outriders build usually has a strong Tier 2 build in one slot (like the popular Emergency Stance mod that was bugged) and then a Tier 3 mod like Captain Hunter or Sharp Eye in the other. But because Tier 3 mods only drop from Legendary Armor, players either have to use that piece of armor and swap the random mod or dismantle the armor piece to take that mod and put it on something else. Outside of that case, though, most armor pieces usually only have one Tier 3 mod and the other slot is locked from being changed.

When the inventory restoration happened, however, that locked slot was unlocked and players could pair a new mod with their slotted Tier 3 mod. This allowed for combinations like Sharp Eye and Captain Hunter on armor pieces with maximum stat rolls. Giving players god rolls was an expected reward for the inventory restoration but giving them impossible god rolls has frustrated other members of the Outriders community.

According to People Can Fly, the logistics of keeping the mods locked would have delayed the restoration even longer. The studio's community manager explained that it would only have a small impact on the game.

It might only be a small group who had their inventory restored and have these impossible rolls on armor, but the response from players is still mostly negative. And for a game like Outriders that has been dealing with issue and issue since launch, a change that separates the player base has led to even more outcry.

Outriders is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: 10 Games to Play if You Love Outriders

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