Each of the 6 major realms in the Mortal Kombat universe takes inspiration from mythical places mentioned in real-world legends and folklore. Edenia, as its name implies, resembles the fabled Garden of Eden from Abrahamic mythology and is full of wonders borne both from natural beauty and magic alike.
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The long history this dimension has with Earthrealm and Outworld makes it one of the most important in the storylines of many titles from this fighting game franchise, however, since it is not visited as often, there are some things about Edenia that even long-time fans may have missed.
8 Landscape & Terrain

Similar to Earthrealm, Edenia has lots of lush green vegetation and clear, clean water. The beauty and tranquility of the terrain here would make any human visitors feel like they've reached a paradise. The are many majestic waterfalls that surround the grand palace of Edenia, where the rulers of this realm and their families have lived for millennia.
7 Royalty

The earliest known monarch of Edenia was King Jerrod, however, he was killed by the sinister Shao Kahn who was aided by D'Vorah. Following his demise, his queen, Sindel, ruled Edenia along with her daughter princess Kitana, albeit under the foot of Shao Kahn and the forces of Outworld for 10,000 years. That is until the dictator was defeated by Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat and princess Kitana took this opportunity to free her realm, liberating Edenia after a long era of oppression.
6 Native Race

There is only a single race said to hail from Edenia, and this is the Edenians, like the characters Jade, Kitana, and Sindel. In terms of physical appearance, they are almost identical to the humans of Earthrealm, however, they differ greatly in non-physical factors.
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Edenians are direct descendants of the gods, therefore they have similar traits, such as significant proficiency with magic and a much longer lifespan. Gods are immortal and do not succumb to age, but Edendians do, albeit much slower than humans. As a frame of reference, princess Kitana is over 10,000 years old, proven as she was alive prior to Outworld's occupation of Edenia, though she still looks to be in the springtime of her youth.
5 Protected By The Gods

Much like how Earthrealm has a protector in the form of Raiden, the God of Thunder, the luscious and beautiful Edenia also had a guardian deity. This was the god Argus, the most powerful of all the Edenian deities, and his wife, the sorceress Delia who could wield fire magic and see the future. However, these two were not able to protect Edenia as they were slain by their own son, Daegon, following the manipulation of the fallen Elder God of Death, Shinnok.
4 The Invasion Of Edenia By Outworld

After losing 10 rounds of Mortal Kombat to Outworld, the Elder Gods permitted Shao Kahn and his forces to invade Edenia, which Argus and his 2 sons, Taven and Daegon, fought against valiantly alongside the dragons Orin and Caro, and eventually, they repelled the invasion for the time being.
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However, a greater threat to the universe was approaching, so Argus put his sons to sleep and sent them, and the dragons, to Earthrealm to await the coming of this threat much to the detriment of Edenia. This allowed Shinnok to stumble upon Daegon's sleeping form and was able to manipulate him into killing Argus and Delia, which allowed Outworld's forces to invade successfully and occupy Edenia for 10,000 years.
3 Politics

While being ruled by Shao Kahn and the forces of Outworld, Edenia was dragged into the constant strife brought up by the various subjugated races being crammed together thanks to reckless dictatorship. Edenians, being peaceful and logical by nature, were all but forced to appease certain conflicts. One notable occurrence of this is when princess Kitana was tasked with quelling the disharmony between the Shokan and Centaurian races who have long had a feud.
2 Playable Characters From Edenia

While the total roster of playable characters from Edenia is a bit lower than that of Earthrealm and Outworld, there are still many noteworthy figures who hail from this majestic dimension. Each one is a strong warrior and possesses magical abilities that they can mix in with their fighting style easily and often with impressive results.
All Playable Characters From Edenia
- Blaze
- Daegon
- Jade
- Kitana
- Rain
- Sindel
- Tanya
- Taven
1 Connections To Other Realms

The closest ties Edenia has with other realms pertains to their links with Outworld and Earthrealm, as their ties to Orderrealm, Chaosrealm, and Netherrealm are sparse. Due to the 10,000 year occupation by Outworld forces led by Shao Kahn, Edenia understandably despises Outworlders as well as their dictator and considers them enemies. Conversely, yet for related reasons, Edenia believes Earthrealm and its Mortal Kombat champions to be their greatest universal allies due to Liu Kang's defeat of Shao Kahn allowing Kitana and Edenia to throw off the shackles of a tyrant.
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