Face it, in Resident Evil Village, as well as many other video games, weapons are all variants of each other with slightly different statistics. Even great games can do little more than give each gun a different feel, recoil, and firing pattern. So for a game that isn't trying to be the next Destiny, players don't expect a weapon to come along that knocks their socks off.
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And then the grenade launcher shows up and defies all expectations. Officially called the GM 79, this weapon changes the entire complexion of the game. The average pistol does somewhere between 100 and 200 damage to a single target while this beast does four-digit numbers in a huge radius. Even on the hardest settings, this will flatten a group of zombies with a single strike and take out the toughest bosses with just a few blasts.

- Must have the Four-Winged Unborn Key
The game doesn't have level-gating, but it does have plot-gating. Essentially, certain secret areas, items, and stashes can't be found until after a certain point in the game. While some of the items, unfortunately, can't be attained until the closing moments, thankfully the grenade launcher can be acquired about halfway through the game's main plot, right after escaping the dollhouse.

- Get to the Altar
- Head through the gate to the south
Without giving away any spoilers, the Altar is the area where players will be placing the main plot objectives into a receptacle. The Duke will have a shop set up here. It's on the west side of the village and players will have to pass through it when going in and out of the way that leads to Donna Beneviento (the dollhouse lady).
RELATED: Resident Evil Village: What Items To Sell
The gate south is locked for the first part of the game, but it can be accessed after combining the key parts to make the Four-Winged Unborn Key.

- Head to the treasure icon on the map
- Use the Iron Insignia Key on the door
- Pick up the grenade launcher from the table
The Duke was nice enough to label this location on the map with a big treasure chest. But if it were easy to get to, there'd be no reason for him to be so specific about the location.

Gamers will know they are headed in the right direction if they are attacked by a zombie that resembles a wolf with all molars. After a cutscene where it looks as though poor Ethan is about to get chomped to death, the journey can continue.
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The body of water is shallow enough to be crossed without needing a boat or a bridge, so don't let the river keep the prize out of reach.

The house will be locked, but players will have the Iron Insignia Key by this point. The symbol on the door matches the one on the key, so nobody should have to go through an entire keyring to find the correct one to use.

After all of this, it's finally time for the easy part. The GM 79 is on the table in front of Ethan and it's as simple as picking it up. Most players will have already found ammo for this gun at this point in the game and with a nasty zombie dog around, they'll get an ideal time to use it pretty quickly.
Enjoy making zombie bits in Resident Evil Village with this beauty!
NEXT: Resident Evil Village: Where To Shoto The Five Bells In The Atelier