Friday, 15 March 2024 15:00

One New Item in Minecraft 1.21 Could Unlock New Possibilities

Written by Martin Wood
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Though they seem unassuming, a new Minecraft item could help pave the way for big changes and fresh features following the upcoming 1.21 update.

As part of its 1.21 update, Minecraft might have just laid the foundations for a game-changing item thanks to its upcoming Trial Chambers, so long as it can move beyond being exclusive to the new Overworld structures. In line with Mojang's confirmation that Minecraft's 1.21 update will focus on combat adventures and tinkering, its new Trial Chamber structures have so far been front and center as content has been revealed, like two new hostile mobs and block types. Among these new blocks, however, is the Trial Vault, a dungeon-clearing reward system that is unlocked using Minecraft's potentially revolutionary item, the Trial Key.

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