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10 Mistakes Players Make In Knockout City | Game Rant

Written by Erik Petrovich
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EA's Knockout City is available to play on various consoles and through Xbox's Game Pass. What mistakes players should avoid in the dodgeball game?

Knockout City is a new online competitive multiplayer game from Electronic Arts that focuses on perhaps the least-represented sport in video games: dodgeball. Knockout City turns the schoolyard game into a battle for domination in a colorful, stylistic world.

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The game released on May 21, 2021 and saw a huge boost in popularity when it announced a surprise free trial weekend. With so many new players entering the Knockout City dodgeball courts, getting ahead of the competition is a matter of knowing which mistakes to avoid.

10 The Tutorial Goes A Long Way

The tutorial for Knockout City is a four-part-long series of matches that train the player on the basics of the game. Before anything else, complete this tutorial, as it is the easiest way to get a handle on how Knockout City is played.

One thing to consider, though, is that between each round of training the game will try to put the player into a match to test their skills. It's best to skip this part of training and finish learning how the game is played before jumping into any matches.

9 Running From The Ball

It's a classic mistake that many a player made in real-life dodgeball: running haphazardly away from the ball is not only the best way to get picked off by the other team, it also means you won't catch any balls to return back.

Catching a ball in Knockout City is simple, but requires a little bit of finesse when it comes to timing. It's always best to dodge a ball if you don't feel confident in catching it. Balls thrown from far away, though, are much easier to catch.

8 Missing Perfect Catches

Perfect catches occur when the player times their catch almost exactly as the ball is about to hit. On a perfect catch, the ball will become "overcharged" immediately and turn into a fully charged shot ready to be thrown back at the assailant.

Missing perfect catches, though, is a different story. A player will get hit, miss the chance to strike back, and feel the weight of their own hubris all at once.

7 Using The Same Strategy On Every Map

Just like most competitive online games, the strategy for every map is different. Larger maps, like the Rooftop Rumble, are better for long-ranged throws and careful maneuvering of the wider spaces. Closed-in maps, like the Back Alley Brawl, are better for rushing strategies and overwhelming the enemy.

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Getting used to the layout of each map will take time, but eventually, players will know each corner and angle of attack like the back of their hands.

6 It's Better To Rush A Close Opponent

Opponents who are aiming from far away are a much smaller threat than an enemy right in front. However, catching a ball thrown from far away is also far easier than catching a ball thrown from a few feet away, especially if it's a special ball.

When trying to knock out an enemy close by, it's best to charge in and overwhelm them instead of playing defensively. Until someone's reflexes are used to the game, catching a ball that close is pretty hard.

5 Lobbed Balls Can Finish Off A Fleeing Foe

An enemy running away from the action can be hard to take out as they snake side to side and try to dodge incoming attacks. If an enemy is standing relatively still, though, they can be easily taken out from a distance with a lob.

Lobbed balls are far easier to catch than most throws in Knockout City, but a distant enemy caught unawares would never get the chance.

4 Playing Knockout City As A Singleplayer Game

Just like every team-based game, be it real-life sports and competitive games, someone's chances of winning go way up if the group communicates and works together. Even if the team is falling behind, it's never a good idea to go rogue.

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Enemies will catch out people who go it on their own, and teammates won't appreciate being literally left behind to pick up after them. If random matchmaking isn't working out, try inviting friends to play the game in the free trial – most online games become a lot more fun with a regular group.

3 Avoiding Abilities

There are several abilities available for players to use in Knockout City, and while it might feel more intuitive to just run around, there are far more effective means of travel. Using dash to avoid close attacks is a given, but other abilities like the Glider and rolling up into a ball can give you the tactical edge.

The Glider, for example, is used to navigate long distances in the air. Rolling up into a ball allows a teammate to get an instant K.O. – if they hit an enemy with you in ball form. There are also special ball types in the game, which can easily turn the tide of a match.

2 Fake Outs Are Crucial Against Skilled Opponents

When up against opponents who are very good at consistently catching balls, it's essential to use a fake out. A fake out will make a character go through the animation of throwing a ball without actually throwing it.

This can take even the most well-timed enemies off-guard, especially if the player times their actual throw just after their opponent's failed catch attempt.

1 Curve Throws Can Take A Player Unawares

Curve balls are like lobbed balls, in that they can take out enemies who aren't paying attention, but at a much closer range. Lobbed balls can go across a huge distance, but curve balls are best used in tight areas or against enemies huddled together.

Curve balls travel fast and can give players the edge against a particularly sneaky opponent who won't come fully out into the open. Send a curve ball around the corner, and watch them panic.

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