Monday, 24 May 2021 22:31

MapleStory: Which Level 10 Job Should Explorers Pick? | Game Rant

Written by Matthew D'Onofrio
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MapleStory is full of jobs that explorers can pick at level 10. Here's a look at what's available and what players might want to choose.

In MapleStory, there are many classes, but it all started with Explorers. These were the first characters in the Maple World who fought back against the Black Mage. They were Warriors, Magicians, Archers, Thieves, and Pirates.

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When players begin their journey, they are mere Beginners on Maple Island. But they get off soon and onto the mainland where, at Level 10, Beginners decide what class to change into. Instead of whacking snails with a stick, players go on to wield swords, cast spells, fire arrows, throw kunai, or fire guns.

Warriors attack with brute force and raw power. They are able to wield swords, axes, spears, maces, and polearms. The Warriors' Sanctuary is located in Perion and run by Dances with Balrog. A Beginner becomes a Swordsman at Level 10, and then a Swordsman gets the choice to become a Fighter, a Page, or a Spearman at Level 30.

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At Level 60, a Fighter will become a Crusader; and at Level 100, a Crusader will become a Hero. Heroes use Swords and Axes. Their specialty is building up the Combo to deal more and more damage (or unleashing all orbs at once).

At Level 60, a Page will become a White Knight; and at Level 100, a White Knight will become a Paladin. Paladins use Swords and Maces. Their specialty is commanding the elements of fire, ice, lightning, and holy for either offensive or defensive purposes.

At Level 60, a Spearman will become a Berserker; and a Level 100, a Berserker will become a Dark Knight. Dark Knights use Spears and Polearms. Their specialty is darkness, which actually supports them and their allies due to the power of the Evil Eye.

Magicians cast spells that offer support or unleash magical energy. They are able to wield wands and staves. The Magic Library is located in Ellinia and run by Grendel the Really Old. A Beginner becomes a Magician at Level 10, and then a Magician gets the choice to become a Fire/Poison Wizard, Ice/Lightning Wizard, or Cleric at Level 30.

At Level 60, a Fire/Poison Wizard becomes a Fire/Poison Mage; and at Level 100, a Fire/Poison Mage becomes a Fire/Poison Arch Mage. Fire/Poison Arch Mages use Wands and Staves. Their specialty is applying damage over time via Poison as well as exploding the battlefield via Fire.

At Level 60, an Ice/Lightning becomes an Ice/Lightning Mage; and at Level 100, an Ice/Lightning Mage becomes an Ice/Lightning Arch Mage. an Ice/Lightning Arch Mages use Wands and Staves. Their specialty is slowing enemies down with Ice magic and then lighting them up with Lightning magic.

At Level 60, a Cleric becomes a Priest; and at Level 100, a Priest becomes a Bishop. Bishops use Wands and Staves. Their specialty is Holy magic which not only takes out enemies (especially Undead ones) but also increases theirs and their allies' Attack and Magic Attack as well as the amount of experience they earn.

Archers launch arrows and bolts at their enemies from a safe distance. They are able to wield bows and crossbows. The Bowman Instructional School is located in Henesys and run by Athena Pierce. A Beginner becomes a Bowman at Level 10, and then a Bowman gets the choice to become a Hunter or a Crossbowman at Level 30.

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At Level 60, a Hunter becomes a Ranger; and at Level 100, a Ranger becomes a Bowmaster. Bowmasters use Bows. Their specialty is firing off a flurry of arrows that may be imbued with Blood Arrows (that have lifesteal), Poison Arrows (that have DoT), or Magic Arrows (that have extras).

At Level 60, a Crossbowman becomes a Sniper; and at Level 100, a Sniper becomes a Marksman. Marksmen use Crossbows. Their specialty is keeping as much (or as little) distance as possible for greater attack or ignoring defense as well as dishing out massive damage in a single shot.

Thieves stab enemies up close or toss knives from a distance. They are able to wield claws and daggers. The Hideout is located in Kerning City and run by the Dark Lord. A Beginner becomes a Rogue at Level 10, and then a Rogue gets the choice to become an Assassin or Bandit at Level 30.

At Level 60, an Assassin becomes a Hermit; and at Level 100, a Hermit becomes a Night Lord. Night Lords use Claws. Their specialty is throwing star after star at enemies while jumping around the battlefield barely getting hit.

At Level 60, a Bandit becomes a Chief Bandit; and at Level 100, a Chief Bandit becomes a Shadower. Shadowers use Daggers. Their specialty is capitalizing on Critical Hits and putting that power to the test on the battlefield, zipping back and forth slicing enemies up.

Pirates shoot bullets at enemies or punch them in the gut. They are able to wield guns and knuckles. The Navigation Room is located in the Nautilus and run by Kyrin. A Beginner becomes a Pirate at Level 10, and then a Pirate gets the choice to become a Gunslinger or Brawler at Level 30.

At Level 60, a Gunslinger becomes an Outlaw; and at Level 100, an Outlaw becomes a Corsair. Corsairs use Guns. Their specialty is barraging the battlefield either on foot or on a ship with projectiles with help from crewmates that are either human or octopus.

At Level 60, a Brawler becomes a Marauder; and at Level 100, a Marauder becomes a Buccaneer. Buccaneers use Knuckles. Their specialty is charging up energy through fisticuffs and then unleashing it by maximizing their damage output and nuking the battlefield with blasts.

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