Tuesday, 25 May 2021 01:00

Knockout City: Every Ball Weapon, Ranked | Game Rant

Written by Tanner McGill
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Knockout City gives players plenty of weapons to choose from. This is how every ball weapon ranks.

Knockout City is a new, fast-paced dodgeball game that allows players to pummel friends and foes relentlessly with a variety of suped-up dodge balls. Players can experience the brilliant design of the game even before they load into their first match. When players first boot up the game, they will be met by a short introductory video then dropped into the hideout. The hideout is a rooftop hangout zone where players can assemble a team and pummel each other with the various dodgeballs the game offers. It is a great place to screw around with friends for a few minutes and get a feel for the game.

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Lined up on one of the rooftops are 4 of the specialty ball types: the moon ball, bomb ball, multiball, and cage ball. These all have some very neat effects, and there is a dummy at one end of the roof to practice on. There is also a pad the player can stand on to have the dummy throw dodgeballs and practice catching. Time it just right, and you'll retaliate with a speedy throw. A little ways off, players can find the sniper ball; it's shaped more like a football. There are also a couple of basic dodgeballs lying around. Each match will load in with one special type of dodgeball presented at the start of the match. So it's important to know how they all work, but which is the best?

7 Dodgeball

This is the basic dodgeball that players will find the most common in matches. It has no special effects but is still an important tool to master. It is important to know the special moves you can utilize to make the most of this ball. If combined with a spin, you can throw curve shots at opponents. This can be useful for going around corners and obstacles. If thrown while performing a flip, players can launch the ball higher to get over walls or up ledges. The longer players charge up the shot, the more exaggerated the curve.

Another important tactic when players only have the dodgeball at their disposal is the ability to catch balls thrown at them. When a ball is caught with perfect timing, the player has a short time where they can throw the ball at an increased velocity. Each time the ball has a perfect catch, it gains a tier of charge, up to Tier 6. The higher the charge, the faster the throw and the more difficult it is to catch.

6 Moon Ball

The moon ball doesn't have a whole lot going for it. When thrown, it acts just like a normal dodgeball and has no tactical effect on the opponent. However, a player holding a moon ball is granted more control over their jumps. If the jump button is held down, the player will jump higher and fall slower.

It does have one additional aesthetically pleasing effect. Should you get the final knockout on an opponent, their limp body will go flying off into the distance at zero-G.

5 Bomb Ball

The bomb ball can be detrimental to opponents, but players have to be careful when using it. Immediately upon picking up the bomb ball, it will begin to tick. The ticking will get faster and faster until it explodes after a few seconds, so make sure to throw it before that happens. When the player successfully strikes an opponent, the bomb ball will explode on impact, knocking out the struck opponent and anyone else caught in the blast area. It can also be thrown at a surface where it will stick and explode once the timer runs out.

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Keep in mind this explosion will knock out opponents and teammates alike, so be careful when throwing it. Additionally, should the opponent successfully catch the bomb ball, it can quickly be returned. Even if you manage to catch the return, the ball will be just about ready to explode. The best bet is to dodge bomb ball throws.

4 Multi Ball

The multi-ball is a spammer's dream, When a player picks up a multi-ball, they get 3 individual balls that each act as a normal dodgeball. One of them goes into the player's hand while the others circle the player, ready to be used at a moment's notice. Once these balls are thrown, they have a short timer before they despawn.

The multi-balls can either be thrown by the player, or distributed between teammates so everyone is equipped. If the player decides to use all of them, they are very effective at close range when thrown in quick succession all at one opponent. This makes it difficult for the opponent to catch all of them unless they have an incredible reaction time. If the player chooses to distribute the balls to their teammate, it makes it very easy for each to bounce passes off one another and get Tier 1 charges for their shots.

3 Cage Ball

The cage ball is a powerful piece of machinery. When players successfully strike an opponent with a cage ball, the opponent is trapped in ball form for a few seconds. They can then be picked up and thrown at their teammates. There are several other advantages to having a caged opponent as well.

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For starters, a caged opponent is one less person to worry about for a few seconds. They are also helpless, meaning they cannot catch or dodge, leaving them completely vulnerable to a couple of quick shots to finish them off. Alternatively, they can be thrown off a nearby ledge for an instant knockout. Should you decide to throw a caged player, they will instantly knock out the target even if they still have both their hearts.

2 Sniper Ball

The sniper ball is shaped like a football. It has a longer charge-up time, but the power it provides is worth the extra time. Players are essentially winding up for the perfect spiral throw that will spike their enemies right in the gut. When thrown at full charge, the sniper ball shoots from the player's hand at an incredible speed making it very difficult to catch. The opponent practically has to hit their catch button right as the sniper ball is released for the shot. When it hits the opponent, it also has a huge knockback, meaning it is extra lethal near map edges.

Because of the sniper ball's extended charge time, it is best used at a distance, so players are not left too vulnerable before throwing. Though, if players manage to get a sniper ball shot off at close range, it becomes even more difficult to catch as the target opponent would practically have to start catching before the ball was even thrown. And be careful not to release too early, it will totally wreck the spiral and cause the ball to move very slowly.

1 Teammate

Yes, players get to lob their friends at the opponent. Players have the ability to roll themselves up into a ball. This allows their teammates to pick them up and throw them. They can be thrown like a normal dodgeball, or they can be charged up by holding the throw button. When a teammate is fully charged, they will turn into a bomb held above the player's head. This bomb is then thrown high into the air, and the balled player has the ability to control the trajectory and smash down a few seconds later. This creates a powerful explosion that will knock out anyone caught in it.

Be careful when turning into a ball, though. The enemy team can pick up a balled player as well, using them as a weapon against their own team. Though, if a player does get captured by an enemy, they can mash the jump button to escape their sweaty grasp.

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