Star Wars Outlaws, developed by Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment, is the first open-world game set in the Star Wars universe. Players will assume the role of Kay Vess, an aspiring scoundrel aiming to pull off a major heist in the Outer Rim. In a recent IGN interview, creative director Julian Gerighty shared details about the game's planets. Planets like Tatooine, a Toshara moon, Akiva, and Kijimi will be comparable in size to two or three zones in Assassins Creed Odyssey.
Star Wars Outlaws, developed by Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment, is the first open-world game set in the Star Wars universe. Players will assume the role of Kay Vess, an aspiring scoundrel aiming to pull off a major heist in the Outer Rim. In a recent IGN interview, creative director Julian Gerighty shared details about the game's planets. Planets like Tatooine, a Toshara moon, Akiva, and Kijimi will be comparable in size to two or three zones in Assassins Creed Odyssey.