Tuesday, 01 June 2021 22:00

Will 'Eternals' Deliver The MCU's First Love Triangle?

Written by Lissete Lanuza Sáenz
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Does anyone like a love triangle? The MCU had never had one, but Eternals looks ready to change that. Now let's hope they make it work.

The MCU has had many important relationships, even relationships that have carried entire storylines. It has never really had a real, sustained love triangle, though, most ships have been firmly established and unwavering. Eternals seems poised to change that too.

During the trailer, fans got a glimpse of the Eternals. The relationship between Sersi and Ikaris was particularly featured, with shots of them together that seemed to span centuries. It was clear this was the couple the movie was setting up, and setting up as a pair that has been together for centuries.  But there was another particular shot that got fans' attention – that of Sersi standing next to Dane Whitman, the man who would go on to become The Black Knight. In the comics, Whitman has a romantic relationship with Sersi, and it seems likely the same thing will be true in the movie. The question is how?

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Considering every MCU property after Avengers: Endgame has directly referenced the Snap it wouldn’t be surprising that this love triangle is also a result of said Snap. If Ikaris, for example, was snapped by Thanos, that would set up Whitman as a possible new romantic interest. Eternals can be revived, but it’s likely that without Ikaris's body, they were unable to do anything for him. This would leave Sersi without the love of her life, and maybe looking for comfort in the arms of his "brother from another TV mother," Kit Harrington, who plays Whitman. Except everyone who was snapped returned thanks to the Avengers. Enter love triangle.

It’s particularly interesting if this is the case – and there’s a good chance it could be, because this is one of the few setups of a love triangle that actually makes sense. An Eternal trying to move on after her supposedly immortal love was surprisingly killed and finding love in the arms of a human? This is a comic book adaptation, after all, so it all tracks. Besides, it’s also very good setup for Dane Whitman, a character who, in the comics, has been a long-time member of the Avengers. Even if his romance with Sersi doesn’t end up working out, the intent might just be to establish the character so he can be used in other Marvel properties.

The alternative to Thanos having something to do with Ikaris and Sersi’s potential breakup is an Eternals in-fight of some kind. The trailer gives indications that not all is right with the Eternals, and that, though they are reunited in the present, they haven’t exactly seen eye-to-eye for every second of the last thousands of years. No one knows the extent of said possible argument, or who would have gone what way, but it stands to reason that if the Eternals somehow go their separate ways, they would need a big reason to come back together. If Thanos didn’t do it, what could be big enough to bring the Eternals back together? The Deviants? Something to do with the Celestials?

Either way, it’s possible Ikaris and Sersi just …drifted apart, or chose different sides in an Eternals in-fight. That would leave Sersi in a position to meet Whitman, maybe develop feelings for him, and then, of course, be reunited with Ikaris when the next big threat appears. Whatever the big threat is, it’s likely it will be too much for Whitman, who is unlikely to appear as Black Knight till the end of the movie, or maybe a post-credits scene. If it’s the Deviants or other Celestials, it’ll be up to the Eternals and the Eternals alone to fight them. This could precipitate a choice by Sersi.

To add a level of interest for the fans, the two men involved in this love triangle first became famous for playing siblings Robb Stark and Jon Snow on Game of Thrones. There’s no indication if Richard Madden and Kit Harington share scenes in Eternals, but there’s an extra layer to any possible interaction they might have. Fans might be rooting for one or the other to end up with Sersi, but it’s likely they will also be rooting for Madden and Harrington to just have a conversation. Robb and Jon didn’t share that many scenes on Game of Thrones, and they never got a proper reunion since Robb was killed at the Red Wedding. But that doesn’t mean fans aren’t looking forward to living vicariously through whatever interactions they have in Eternals.

Either way, the setup is clear for Eternals to deliver a love triangle to the MCU. Hopefully, it won’t be a long, drawn-out one, and it will be the kind that leaves fans still able to root for all three characters separately. Marvel might be wising up to the fact that romance sells, but love triangles don’t always hit the right mark. If dragged out for too long, most of them end up annoying fans, instead of drawing them in. Eternals has a chance to do things the MCU hasn’t done before, and with Chloe Zhao at the helm, do them in a way that leaves fans satisfied, instead of upset.

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