Friday, 27 September 2024 14:30

Star Wars Outlaws Lars Homestead is Far More Than an Easter Egg

Written by Jared Stewart
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Star Wars Outlaws leaves few fan-service stones left unturned and yet its most familiar and iconic also happens to be its most poignant.

Star Wars Outlaws was always going to have Easter eggs and references as its monopolizing umbrella IP cant help itself in even the most niche pieces of Star Wars media, let alone ones directly embedded in events from its three big trilogies of movies. The original trilogy may be cherished for nostalgias sake or its simplicity and authenticity in storytelling, but it is also the trilogy with the least amount of games presently dedicated to it. Many games lately have indulged in the period between the prequels and the original trilogy for its rich post-Clone Wars subtext, whereas Star Wars Outlaws bravely embeds itself in the trilogy and has to bear the weight of that decision.

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