Saturday, 05 June 2021 04:32

Apex Legends Player Defends Others Affected by DDoS Attack

Written by Joseph Lavoie
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One Apex Legends player demonstrates chivalry in the face of other players affected by a DDoS attack and makes the opposing player pay the price.

Chivalry is usually not the main attribute for online gamers in competitive settings, such as in Apex Legends. Gaining any advantage is what most strive for, and if there is a connection hiccup, many just see it as a tough break. Some players look to have a more even playing field, however, and some understand that other players occasionally need a helping hand against unfair advantages.

In battle royales, players are often put in the position to only look out for themselves. In an Apex Legends match, one player rose above that and attempted to do the right thing even if it meant losing.

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Uploading to the Apex Legends subreddit, user arsebasiki demonstrated unusual gallantry in a game that rarely shows it off. During a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack that left multiple players affected, arsebasiki fended other players looking to pick off a few easy targets. Taking up a position in a corner to be able to watch over 3 separate players, arsebasiki eliminates one enemy that comes running in for an easy kill. After the dispatch, arsebasiki took up their previous position.

Whereas this behavior is more common when a player is on a team, it's very rare for these actions to happen while actively competing against others. However, these might be changing, as it looks like the DDoS attack was used by Apex Legends players trying to win.

Apex Legends has been dealing with DDoS issues, but the developers at Respawn are taking steps to fix them. While the actions of this player are incredibly commendable, it also shows that a fix is necessary so that players aren't at risk through no fault of their own. While Apex Legends isn't the first game to have to deal with DDoS issues, it's unfortunate that these attacks happen, especially when timing and connectivity are the keys to the game. As the development team narrows down on the scope of the fix, players will most likely find these instances fewer and farther between.

While heroes like this are a rarity, Apex Legends players will be happy to have them while these DDoS attacks occur. While the general reaction to the post was mixed, most players will welcome those that aim for an even playing field. With the fixes expected soon, and players taking advantage of DDoS attacks being penalized, it appears that Apex Legends will no longer require the services of players like this. However, it's hopeful that this spirit of play will continue on in the game.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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