Spider-Man is and always has been one of the most popular superheroes, that’s the reason why Sony won’t let go of its tight grip on Spidey’s movie rights and also why the last two Spider-Man games have done so well on the PlayStation. Despite that, Peter Parker’s romantic interests rarely tend to stray away from the tried and tested Mary Jane, even if Felicia Hardy/Black Cat's line of work is much more compatible with the web-swinging industry.
Although Felicia Hardy was set to appear in Sam Raimi’s fourth Spider-Man movie, that one never got made and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 barely found time for the would-be Black Cat. However, cosplayers are pretty adept at digging up great-looking characters in any franchise, so it’s no surprise the best modern Black Cat comes from Marvel’s Spider-Man "The Heist" DLC, which really puts a modern spin on Ms. Hardy.
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For Russian cosplayer AGflower, the Black Cat was love at first sight since first seeing the character in the '90s Spider-Man animated series and The Amazing Spider-Man comic books, yet she kept waiting for a live-action version that never came. Thankfully, the Black Cat's video game iteration captures a lot of what she’s known for, being sort of like Marvel’s answer to Batman's Catwoman and her complex moral compass, all while looking better than she’s ever done before, as captured by this gorgeous cosplay.

As detailed by AGflower, putting together this catsuit took a great amount of effort to recreate the different textures seen on her Marvel's Spider-Man render. Considering even Captain America’s suit requires CGI work to get the result audiences saw in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, this Black Cat certainly looks MCU-approved, even if Felicia Hardy and Gwen Stacy are still not showing up in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
The current version of the movie Spider-Man has been a huge hit for Sony, and while Zendaya's snarky Mary Jane is much different from the damsel in distress role the character’s been assigned to in the past, some fans still think Spidey’s love life could use a little Gwen Stacy or Felicia Hardy. In the case of the latter, her own athletic prowess is enough to make her really stand out, and at the same time, her origin story would make for a fantastic secondary character.
Until Spider-Man 2 comes out on the PS5, or whenever Sony decides how they’ll handle Spider-Man's cinematic future, this Black Cat cosplay is as close as it gets to fans seeing Felicia Hardy in a film. That is unless the Black Cat somehow crosses paths with Miles Morales during Into the Spider-Verse 2, just like Gwen's Spider-Woman did before.
Spider-Man: NoWay Home is scheduled to be released in theaters on December 17, 2021
MORE: Sam Raimi Made A Weird And Wild Superhero Movie A Decade Before Spider-Man
Source: SuperheroHype