Saturday, 05 June 2021 19:30

Miitopia: Every Job, Ranked From Worst To Best | Game Rant

Written by Tanner Brossart
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Miitopia features a lot of great jobs to choose from. Here's a look at each of them, ranked from worst to best.

Miitopia puts a quirky spin on classic RPGs by allowing the player to put their favorite characters into the game. The Miis each person creates on the Switch can find themselves battling alongside unexpected allies. The only real limit is the player's imagination!

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Just like many RPGs, each hero can choose from a variety of jobs. Each one has their own stats, abilities, and specialties. Although they all have their positive and negative traits, some stand out as being exceptionally good. Others, however, fall a bit short. Whatever the case, it's always good to experiment and see what fits each individual's playstyle.

14 Tank

There are several reasons why the Tank is below all other jobs. For starters, it has lackluster MP, which is oddly one of the stats it relies on most for attacking. If the Tank's weapon gets stolen, however, it can't attack at all. When a CPU controls the Tank, they often use skills that increase resentment in their fellow party members. This causes Tanks to destroy their relationships more often than they destroy their foes. The only saving grace is its impressive Attack and Defense stats (as is to be expected of a Tank).

13 Flower

The Flower is a late-game job that mostly plays a support role through healing HP and negating status effects. It also has a decent Magic stat, alongside impressive wind-based attack spells. Unfortunately, the more useful skills aren't unlocked until higher levels, and its weapon attacks are mediocre at best. One of the few upsides to its weapon is that it hits multiple enemies at once, so it isn't completely worthless. Still, dedicated healers and spellcasters do its job much more effectively.

12 Imp

All things considered, the Imp is not that bad of a job. It has a wide array of useful skills, ranging from powerful magic attacks to helpful status affliction. Imps can even get allies to attack in their stead with the Butt Jab ability, dealing more damage than a normal attack.

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Later on, the job makes good use of its high Defense and HP with its Energy Drain ability. This gives it great longevity and allows it to heal without relying on snacks and sprinkles. On the downside, the Imp's MP is fairly low, as are its Attack and Speed stats.

11 Thief

Most of the Thief's stats are below average. Its attacks deal little damage compared to other physical jobs, and its weak Defense means that enemies hit hard. However, it compensates through its Speed and arsenal of useful skills. The Backflip ability automatically increases the Thief's evasion, and it can block incoming attacks with booby traps. It also has a few offensive moves that can hit multiple times, allowing Thieves to rack up damage through successive strikes.

10 Princess

One of the Princess's greatest strengths is its ability to bolster relationships. It does this with its High Tea skill, which also heals an ally's MP, and Escort, which causes allies to shield the Princess from attacks on occasion. Escort in particular is invaluable for the Princess, as it has the lowest Defense of all jobs. That being said, this job still holds its own with an above average Magic stat and decently powerful Royal Wave skills. It mainly works to impede enemies, though, especially with its Regal Dance and Eau de Cologne abilities.

9 Cleric

One of the more iconic RPG jobs, the Cleric proves its worth from the get-go. No matter the team composition, the Cleric is sure to keep its allies safe with its ever-helpful healing magic.

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The Cleric also has a couple of attack spells, including the mighty Aura. Its healing abilities are much more plentiful, however, so expect them to find more use. That is, of course, if this job stays alive long enough to use them; the Cleric has incredibly low HP and Defense, making it one of the frailest jobs in the game.

8 Chef

The average stats of the Chef betray its usefulness as both a healer and a damage-dealer. Chefs have the highest Defense in the game, as well as a pretty solid Attack stat. Their skills utilize their cooking techniques to heal allies and sear opponents. While the food they cook can increase their relationship with allies, they sometimes serve spicy dishes that damage enemies but cause resentment. They can also deal solid hits by opting to smack their opponents silly with their frying pan instead.

7 Cat

The Cat is an oddball job that, nonetheless, proves very effective in battle. Cats have incredibly sharp claws that can shred through enemies with ease. Feline Frenzy, the last skill they learn, is especially great at slicing up monsters. Like the Princess, Cats have a skill that can increase friendship and heal the MP of one of their allies. They have pretty low HP, but their Lick Wounds ability gives them a way to heal themselves outside of sprinkles and snacks.

6 Elf

The Elf is one of two secret classes that become available in the postgame. Elves use their skills to great effect, being decent healers, supports, and physical/magical attackers. Unfortunately, they suffer from the "jack of all trades, master of none" trope. Their skills are useful but get outshined by the more specialized jobs.

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They also have one of the lowest HP stats in the game, making them especially easy to take down. They are still a very good class, but not as good as one would expect from postgame content.

5 Warrior

This is one of the first jobs available to the player, and it proves to be effective in any situation. The Warrior focuses on physical might and bulk to protect allies and hack through enemies. Their sword does well at single-target damage, but they also gain some impressive multi-target abilities. Their Snap Out of It ability also removes certain status effects from allies, like Crying and Nightmare. The Warrior doesn't have that great of a Speed stat, but they are sure to finish off opponents by the time their turn comes around.

4 Pop Star

Pop Stars are indispensable for one big reason: they can resolve conflict between party members. If two teammates quarrel, the Pop Star's Love and Peace skill can resolve one side of it before the disagreement gets too disruptive. They also have Encore, which gives allies an extra turn, and Cheer On, which restores every other party member's MP slightly. The only offensive skill they learn, Out of Tune, hurts all enemies but also damages allies slightly. Pop Stars don't have the best offensive stats, moreover, so they'll likely stick to their more useful support skills.

3 Scientist

The Scientist is a knock-off of the Mage class with a few healing and support skills thrown in. Many of their abilities, like Glitch and Unstable Formula, deal great magical damage to opponents. They can also heal allies in a pinch with Cure.exe.

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Scientists learn plenty of helpful skills that automatically activate, as well. They can increase an ally's regular attack damage with Ignite, allow them to heal with Absorb, and prevent status effects with Safety Mask. The power of science truly is a sight to behold!

2 Vampire

Vampire is the second secret job players can unlock. While they are fairly slow, they have powerful physical and magical attacks to tear into enemy monsters. They also have a Curse ability that deals damage to anyone who physically harms them. Being undead, Vampires can sometimes revive themselves after taking fatal damage. They can even pass this ability on to their allies with the Entrhall skill. Their incredibly high HP gives them a great deal of longevity, meaning Vampires can dish out serious hurt before getting even close to death.

1 Mage

The humble Mage may have the lowest Attack stat of all jobs in Miitopia, but it also has the highest MP and Magic stats. Mages also have access to incredibly powerful skills that rain fire and lightning down on opponents. Their Sleep Tight skill allows allies to heal up at the expense of their turn, and their Explosion can wipe out multiple enemies at once. Despite being expectedly fragile in terms of Defense, they prove to be an exceptionally powerful class in almost any scenario.

NEXT: Hidden Secrets Many Still Haven't Found In Miitopia

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