Saturday, 05 June 2021 19:00

The Witcher: 6 Things You Didn't Know About The School Of The Griffin

Written by Erik Petrovich
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There are a lot of interesting things to know about The Witcher's Griffin school. Here's a look at some things you may not know.

In the universe of The Witcher franchise, there are currently seven known Witcher schools spread out across the land. There are seven known Witcher schools in total, being the Schools of the Wolf, Crane, Cat, Bear, Viper, Manticore, and of course, the Griffin, though the Manticore and Crane schools barely show up in the main series.

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The Witcher School of the Griffin is unique among the Witcher schools as they aim to stay true to the original values and purpose of the Order of the Witchers. They reside in Kaer Seren near Kovir and Poviss, two kingdoms in the North, and just like every Witcher school, they stay neutral for all Kingdoms – even if there are obvious villains and victims.

6 It's Also Known As The School of the Eagle

The School of the Griffin was originally known as the School of the Eagle in the Witcher books. Some fans actually disliked the re-named version of the school in the games, as it was one of the few that was named after a monster rather than a representative creature. In addition to this, the other Witcher school names all correspond to the focus of the school.

As the School of the Griffin focuses on magic, and griffins are agile flying, powerful hybrid creatures, there really is no correspondence with the name of the school and the school's prowess. However, this same problem arises if the school was indeed called the School of the Eagle, but at least it wouldn't take inspiration from an enemy.

5 Spirits of Failed Experiments Haunted the School, At First

When the founder of the Witcher School of the Griffin, Erland of Larvik, started looking for a place to start the school, he landed upon Kaer Seren. This is where the original tests for Witchers were performed, and as such, old ghosts of those horrific failed experiments on Nordlings still lingered.

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The Witchers took care of the spirit problem and started the school based on magic, preparedness, and flexibility in combat. Whereas the School of the Bear focuses on might, and the School of the Cat focuses on dexterity, the School of the Griffin encourages versatility all across the spectrum of ability instead.

4 The School of the Griffin Embodies the Original Witchers

The Order of the Witchers was originally founded as a group of battlemages who would work together to kill enemies together that would be impossible to take on in smaller numbers. After a while, the mages began to experiment with mutagens and enhance their abilities – which didn't always work.

The Order of the Witchers didn't last very long, and quickly split into multiple factions each focusing on a different approach to slaying monsters. The School of the Griffin is the only school that comes close to the original purpose and goals of the Order, while the other schools very much moved on to their own methods and values.

3 They Are The Only School That Kills Dragons

It is typically against the Witcher's code to kill a dragon, as they are sentient, intelligent beings and not mindless beasts terrorizing innocent people (not that Witchers care much about the innocent). However, Witchers from the School of the Griffin are the only ones who will kill a dragon, despite its intelligence. This is also explained in story text in the spin-off Gwent standalone card game, which confirms that the Griffin School held "no such tenet".

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The most famous dragon-slaying Witcher was George of Kagen, whose final resting place can actually be found in-game. He was a Witcher of the School of the Griffin who defended a few villages being terrorized by a Green Dragon. He succumbed to his wounds, but was given the title Dragonslayer for finishing off the beast, although he also lost his own life.

2 New Griffin School Students Can Choose From Two Tests...

Each Witcher school has its own particular way to test incoming Witchers and new students. For Geralt, of the School of the Wolf, one trial was the Trial of Forest Eyes in which the student is blindfolded, tied up, and told to return back to the School. The Cat school had a trial where students had to walk up an angled tightrope. At the School of the Griffin, though, students got a choice.

Choice one was to fetch an egg from a griffin nest – which would inevitably anger the beast into attacking if anywhere nearby. The other choice was to recite the entire liber Tenebrarum by Silvester Bugiardo with no mistakes.

1 ...But No-one Ever Chooses To Recite the Liber Tenebararum

The Liber Tenebrarum translates to the Book of Shadows, and is concerned chiefly with monsters. It's essentially a basic guide to monster hunting written well before the events of The Witcher game series, and serves as the other final test option for students in the School of the Griffin.

Surprisingly enough, no student in the history of the School of the Griffin has ever chosen to recite the Liber Tenebararum, save for Keldar, the Griffin School's master witcher. Perhaps the reason why nobody will recite is is because the test requires 100% memorization of the entire book, but it's more likely that it's just not as exciting as snatching a griffin egg.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 12 Worst Choices You Can Make In The Game

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