Sunday, 06 June 2021 00:09

Whether Genshin Impact's Klee is Worth Rolling For | Game Rant

Written by Jeffrey Yu
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The next Genshin Impact update will bring a rerun of Klee's banner and fans are wondering if she's worth the potential investment.

The 1.6 update for Genshin Impact will be releasing on June 9th and it'll be bringing new events, characters, bosses, and challenges for players to enjoy. As with previous Genshin Impact updates, there will be two character banners and one of them will feature the return of the Pyro catalyst user, Klee. One of the strongest main DPS characters in the game, Klee offers unrivalled AOE Pyro damage once players get  used to her playstyle.

As resources are fairly limited in Genshin Impactit's important that players deliberate carefully on the character banners they roll. While Klee is a versatile character that can fit in a variety of different team compositions, it's important to note that she has a more difficult playstyle than other characters due to her reliance on stamina and small HP pool. As a result, the decision to roll for Klee will depend on what a Genshin Impact player needs.

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Klee should be a familiar face for many Genshin Impact players since she's appeared in the main storyline a few times. A Pyro catalyst user, Klee is an official member of the Knights of Favonius and her antics with explosives have made her infamous throughout Mondstadt. Klee's kit revolves around dealing AOE Pyro damage and despite her appearance, remains one of the strongest damage dealers in the game.

Klee is different from other Genshin Impact catalyst users in that she has a long-winding attack pattern during her regular attacks. Instead of the typical elemental attacks, she throws bomb projectiles at enemies which deal damage in a small AOE upon impact. Furthermore, her kit places an emphasis on stamina management and fight mechanics due to her small defense gain. In essence, Klee functions as a glass cannon with the ability to deal massive amounts of damage but with the drawback of long animations that make her susceptible to dying quickly if she runs out of stamina.

As a result, Klee's initial release in Genshin Impact caused some controversy as content creators initially found her playstyle to be awkward. Soon enough however, it became evident that the reason Klee had such a long wind-up time was that her AOE Pyro damage output was unrivalled in the game. Over time, players also discovered different team compositions and animation cancelling mechanics to maximize Klee's damage potential. Though Klee has a steeper learning curve than other Genshin Impact characters, the payoff is almost always worth it.

Due to the nature of Klee's kit, she also comes with more drawbacks than players would typically find in most Genshin Impact characters. Although they aren't difficult to mitigate, Klee requires more investment in her supporting cast and time learning her mechanics. Her biggest drawback is her small HP pool and weak defense gain which makes her rely heavily on stamina management and makes her susceptible to chainstuns. To counter this, Genshin Impact players will need to build a strong team composition around Klee.

The easiest way to protect Klee during her uptimes is with shields as they naturally have interruption resistance which ensures that she doesn't get chainstunned. Since her main source of damage is through charged attacks, her stamina depletes faster than most Genshin Impact characters and is susceptible to mechanics that need to be dodged. Characters like Zhongli or Diona ensure that Klee doesn't need to expend more stamina than necessary to dodge stuns. Much like other Pyro characters in Genshin Impact, Klee also benefits from Pyro supports like Bennett for their damage resonance and Hydro or Cryo supports like Mona, Xingqiu, or Diona for elemental reactions. The best team for Klee involves a shield support, a Pyro support for the damage amplification, and an elemental reaction support.

Another interesting way to mitigate Klee's reliance on stamina usage is through animation cancelling. Over time, Genshin Impact players discovered that her long wind-up times during auto-attacks could have their animations cancelled but the attacks would still go through. It takes quite a bit of practice however, and isn't really necessary unless players are lacking a strong supporting cast or want to clear content quicker. The trick is to hold a directional key while tapping the attack key at a regular rhythm. This ensures that Klee only does the first animation of her auto attack pattern and saves the time she spends twirling around during the second and third animations. This helps minimize the downtime during her DPS rotation and allows her to safely recharge her stamina bar.

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More than any other Genshin Impact character, Klee functions as a glass cannon where she outputs massive amounts of AOE damage at the cost of her poor defense gain and HP pool. Once she runs out of stamina from her charged attacks, she needs time to recharge her stamina bar and this leaves her wide open to chainstuns or bursts of damage. As a result, players will need to invest more resources into her supports in order to protect her during downtimes and ensure that she can't be oneshot by enemies. Moreover, maximizing Klee's potential also requires players to learn about animation cancelling and this might be a challenge given that it's unnecessary for many other Genshin Impact characters.

Ultimately, whether Klee is worth rolling for will depend on a Genshin Impact player's preferences. Her mechanics can take some time getting used to and it's a good idea for players to have a strong supporting cast ready once they have rolled her. In turn however, these drawbacks allow Klee to shine as the one of the best main DPS characters in the game with the ability to deal massive amounts of AOE damage in a short window of time.

Despite the small powercreep from the release of Hu Tao, Klee still manages to be more consistent in damage and her range advantage allows for more mobility. As long as Genshin Impact players are aware of Klee's drawbacks and have ways to mitigate them, she remains one of the strongest investments that players can put their resources into. As always, Klee's banner will come with a test run so players will have the ability to give her unique playstyle a try before they decide on rolling for her.

MORE: Genshin Impact Character Tier List (June 2021)

Genshin Impact is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5.

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