Monday, 07 June 2021 20:00

One Piece: Which Straw Hat Pirate Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Written by Juztin Bello
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One Piece's Straw Hats are an eclectic bunch. Here's a breakdown of some of the strongest personalities, according to astrological signs.

The Straw Hat Pirates are a crew filled with eclectic and different personalities. Hailing from different backgrounds with varying backstories, fans can only imagine how this dynamic group has come together to form one of the closest and most cohesive crews in all of One Piece.

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Given their different personality traits and qualities, it goes without saying that fans will be able to see themselves represented in at least one of the Straw Hats. As such, here is a breakdown of what Zodiac sign each of the Straw Hat Pirates represent. This list doesn't necessarily align with the Straw Hats' actual zodiac signs; rather, it will discuss which sign each character represents best.

12 Aries: Monkey D. Luffy

Like most Aries, Luffy enters conflict unafraid, and thinks that all battles are games to be won. Though headstrong and reckless enough to do anything (whether to prove himself or just for fun), Luffy acts chaotically for the better of his loved ones, similar to this sign.

Some may say Luffy lacks a filter. However, as is the case with most Aries, this could boil down to a desire for honesty — which the sign of the ram values. What's certain about Luffy and all Aries is their tendency to be easily bored and overly optimistic, resulting in an unwavering desire for adventure.

11 Taurus: Tony Tony Chopper

Determined, logical, and kind, Tauruses share the same main traits as Chopper, who is willing to help anyone no matter the circumstance. Chopper radiates affection and a desire to be close to people, but like the sign of the bull, he is also quite stubborn and cautious towards change.

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Chopper's most prominent Taurus quality is his friendliness towards anyone. By the same token, friendliness from others will gain both Chopper and any Taurus' friendship. Just be sure not to compliment those with this sign too much. Like Chopper, they don't handle attention very well, and may dislike being overpraised.

10 Gemini: Nefertari Vivi

Torn between two worlds and personas, Vivi represents Geminis, a sign dominated by two personalities who struggles with competing desires. Like Geminis, Vivi juggles her passions, evident by her wish to both join the Straw Hats and also support the Arabasta Kingdom. If Vivi proved anything during her time with the Straw Hats, though, it's her adaptability — a classic Gemini trait.

Beyond internal conflict, Vivi embodies this sign's constant curiosity, always craving new information. While some may say Geminis are two-faced, Vivi would defend her sign by using reasoning and flirtatious quips — as any Gemini would to get out of a confrontation.

9 Cancer: Sanji

Overly emotional Sanji is the perfect example of a Cancer. He has a tendency to act on his feelings; however, Sanji does not let this get in the way of being a source of comfort for others, similar to the sign of the crab. One of Sanji's strengths, beyond being observant like all Cancers, is in his flirting.

If there's one thing that both Sanji and all Cancers are, it's passionate. Whether this be in their careers or beliefs, Cancers are like Sanji in their unwillingness to let anything suppress their passions. Finally, when it comes to cooking, Chef Sanji and all Cancers will be the first to work for a good meal.

8 Leo: Brook

As a theatrical sign that loves performing, Brook is the perfect Straw Hat representation of this sign. As the crew's musician, Brook is always looking for crowds to captivate with music. Like any Leo, Brook loves to make others laugh with a quip or anecdote.

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All Leos, like Brook, are big personalities. This unfortunately can represent a deeper issue with handling emotions, as this sign often relies on the grander personality to move about life. Regardless, this does not prevent Brook or any Leos from being honorable or loving friends.

7 Virgo: Nico Robin

Amongst many qualities, Robin is stoic, calculated, and intelligent — all Virgo characteristics. Virgos find happiness in being useful and having a purpose. As the only person who can read Poneglyphs and whose crewmates rely on her a great deal, Robin exudes these traits.

Additionally, Virgos are efficient, but are unfortunately their own biggest enemies. Robin may have many foes, but she's often let her self doubt be the biggest hurdle she's had to face. This is thankfully compensated by the fact that, like all Virgos, Robin is dependable and loved by those lucky enough to be close to her.

6 Libra: Nami

Of the many Straw Hats, Nami works the hardest to maintain peace amongst the crew — whether ensuring they behave in public, or preventing them from fighting on the ship. Like her, Libras are often peacekeepers, always wanting to keep order and harmony.

Nami and Libras both excel in aesthetics and are admired for their charm. Though easily hurt, this sign, like Nami, is quick to correct this in order to avoid emotional unbalance. As long as both Libras and Nami have some level of validation, they will maintain order within themselves.

5 Scorpio: Roronoa Zoro

Zoro is the definition of strong and brave, seldom backing down from a challenge. Scorpios has a similar personality eat-or-be-eaten mentality. Like Zoro, many Scorpios are happiest when they're powerful. They believe that being essential to the world is the key to success.

Above all else, this sign is determined and loyal, traits Zoro has exhibited as Luffy's right-hand man. Although Scorpios may see their aggression as a negative trait, Scorpios who take after Zoro may find that their aggression comes with its benefits of maintaining a lone-wolf status.

4 Sagittarius: Thousand Sunny

The ever-wandering Sagittarius could not be better represented by anyone but Thousand Sunny itself. After all, the Straw Hats consider their ship a crew member in itself. Like Thousand Sunny, a Sagittarius moves from job to job, doing whatever they can do to broaden their reach on the world.

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At their core, all Sagittarians are explorers. This could also be said about Sunny, who has traveled many seas. Through the harsh waters that may hinder Thousand Sunny or a Sagittarius, there is always one guarantee: They will always keep a smile on their face.

3 Capricorn: Franky

Being nurturing is a Capricorn's strongest trait. As someone from a large family and one of the oldest Straw Hats, this comes naturally to Franky. A shipwright, Franky knows about taking care of things — whether humanoid or invention. Disciplined in his craft, Franky throws himself into his work, much like the driven sign of the goat.

Between being workaholics and practical thinkers, Franky demonstrates that Capricorns can be playful in addition to responsible. What grounds both Capricorns and Franky are hobbies that allow them to stay busy. At the end of the day, what matters most is being rewarded — particularly in praise.

2 Aquarius: Usopp

Aquarians march to the beat of their own drums. Like Usopp, those under this sign operate on their own agenda to stand out – intentionally or unintentionally. Their desire to help others sometimes causes them to abandon those closest to them out of a desire to appear humanitarian, which fits with Usopp's people-pleasing tendencies.

Constantly seeking social stimulation, Usopp and Aquarians both surround themselves with large groups, in part to learn information about them. Regardless, Usopp, like any Aquarius, knows how to work a crowd. They both will leave acquaintances smiling after any interaction.

1 Pisces: Jimbe

Along with the many qualities shared between Jimbe and Pisces, it only makes sense that the Fish-Man Karate master represents the Zodiac sign symbolized by two fish. Gentle but powerful, Jimbe resembles a Pisces who's a well of experiences, able to advise anyone due to his many lived situations.

One of Jimbe's best qualities is his way with words, something Pisces pride themselves on as experts at persuasion. There's a lot of intrigue behind a Pisces, whose strength comes from within. This is similar to the way that Jimbe, as the newest yet most traveled member of the crew, is an abundance of mysteries himself.

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