Sunday, 17 November 2024 01:45

BLEACH: Shhei Hisagi's Bankai, Explained

Written by Naledi Ramphele
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The Can't Fear Your Own World novels present a lot of vital information about the BLEACHverse, including the 9th Squad Lieutenant's Bankai.

Shhei Hisagi is one of the most popular characters of the BLEACH series among fans. His design, which features various elements that raise his overall cool factor is one of the biggest reasons for his appeal, not to mention his deep connection to both of the Captains under whom he has served, which gives Hisagi a much softer, more cautious personality than his edgy appearance may let on. He famously dislikes the sickle-shape of his Zanpakut, Kazeshini, which he says is shaped like something designed to take lives, and most likely has the most sober perspective of his role as a Shinigami due to traumatic experiences in childhood, at the Academy and through the influence of his Captains.

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