Sunday, 01 December 2024 16:30

Mike Flanagan's Dark Tower Missed Its Best Casting Choice

Written by Oliver VanDervoort
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While the perfect choice for Eddie Dean likely isn't available at this point, we can dream about what would have been in The Dark Tower.

Now that Mike Flanagan is finally going to make Stephen King's The Dark Tower a reality in the form of a streaming series, it's time to start thinking about who fans would love to see in the starring roles. Depending on how this whole show ends up, it could be one of the most exciting ensemble casts in quite some time. While Roland is the undeniable lead and star of this particular story, his traveling companions, Eddie, Jake, and Susannah, must be handled and portrayed by capable actors who can embody the fictional characters' personalities. After all, this story is near and dear to Stephen King fans in a way so many of his other books aren't. Those other tales are beloved, but they don't have characters that elicit the level of loyalty that The Gunslinger and his compatriots do.

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