Monday, 16 December 2024 17:20

Borderlands 4's New Villain Looks More Interesting Than the Calypso Twins

Written by Josh Cotts
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The Timekeeper in Borderlands 4 already feels more compelling than the Calypso Twins, radiating mystery, depth, and a menace their antics lacked.

The Borderlands series has long set a high bar for video game antagonists, especially when it comes to Borderlands 2's Handsome Jack. His twisted charm and ruthless unpredictability took Borderlands 2's narrative to greater heights and depths, resulting in an antagonist who was both terrifying and captivating to watch. When the Calypso Twins stepped into the spotlight in Borderlands 3, they were given the impossible task of following Jack's memorable performance. Unfortunately, their characters fell far short of the series' storytelling potential. However, Borderlands 4 might have just introduced a villain truly worthy of redeeming the Calypso Twins.

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