Tuesday, 15 June 2021 19:05

No More Heroes: Every Boss, Ranked By Difficulty | Game Rant

Written by Charlie G
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None of the boss fights in No More Heroes are easy. However, a few stand out as the most difficult in the game.

No More Heroes boasts all the distinct characteristics that Japan brings to the gaming table, including the absurd humor and character design that comes with the package. The boss fights are the icing on the cake, swinging wildly in difficulty level. These battles drag the player through some the strangest mechanics they will have faced so far.

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From the first assassin that players have to face, it becomes a guessing game as to how hard the next boss will be. This level of chaos can throw the rhythm of the game off on occasion. Thus, it's best that players know exactly what they're getting into before they're tossed into the fire.

10 Death Metal

For all that intimidating design, Death Metal's attacks are nothing to be scared of. His giant sword won't end any fights even if the player takes a direct hit, leaving the battle wide open for interruptions and counter attacks. While his mobile attack pattern can be a bit wild at first, it soon becomes predictable and doesn't have much variety.

Even when his clones come into the picture and make it even more visually daunting, they're both both very weak. It shouldn't take too long before the main boss is the only one left on the battlefield.

9 Destroyman

Probably the weirdest boss in the game, Destroyman's fun list of attacks aren't anything to worry about. He announces the ones that do pack a punch right before he does them, making the whole fight an exercise in listening closely. Most of the attacks are easy to avoid, and he's not particularly quick. Rolling out of the way shouldn't be too difficult.

His range of attacks is not to be messed with; however, the constant warnings and slow rate of fire isn't enough to make the fight challenging. His Destroy Buster attack is the only one that should cause any worry. If players make sure there's enough room to either side, they can prevent any unfortunate slips into the laser beam.

8 Dr. Peace

Actually getting to the boss is most of this battle. This time, though, dodges will get players there. Dr. Peace will fire bullets and long range attacks, all of which will push Travis back and extend this tedious process. The only thing to watch out for is his ultimate attack. If it lands, it will set the progress back to almost zero.

Once the slow march to the boss is complete, winning the fight becomes a case of dodging any attacks that can push the player back and unleashing the full force of the offense. Almost all of his defense is based around pushing players away. Once that gap is closed, the damage only keeps landing.

7 Bad Girl

This fight is more entertaining than it is difficult, using some unique mechanics to throw the rhythm of the fight off. Barely even attacking unless provoked at the beginning of the fight, players have to provoke Bad Girl into wildly swinging her bat their direction. Counter attacks are available, but she's good at adjusting mid combination to catch everyone off guard.

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The later stages are where things get a little odd. Bad Girl will bait people in by dropping to her knees and sobbing, only for the sentimental victim to get taken out with a game-ending attack. There will also be a section where players will have to volley her male lackeys back and forth until someone misses.

6 Harvey Moiseiwitsch Volodarski

Avoiding game-ending damage isn't the hard part of this fight. Instead, Harvey's magician ways offer the biggest obstacle to victory. From teleportation to a homing missile of doves, predicting his next move can disrupt any player. These flashy moves do leave him open for counters, even when he flips the screen upside down and sends the fight into chaos.

Quick steps are the most effective, taking advantage of the pauses between his attacks to dish out extra damage. But don't get caught off guard with his teleport – shortly after, he twirls his sword and unleashes the strongest attack in his set.

5 Speed Buster

This feels less like a boss fight and more like an environmental challenge, dodging massive laser blasts throughout the fight. Players are placed in a long alley with buildings lining each side, the only defense from Speed Buster's one speed attacks. Luckily, players don't have to worry about a giant variety of attacks. However, the one attack is enough to frustrate anyone.

Ducking into buildings and working up the map won't be enough. There are also enemies lurking in the hideouts that have to be taken care of. Once players have worked their way up to a labeled door on the left, it's just a matter of running up to the telephone pole that can be knocked down. From there, take out Speed Buster's cannon and leave her defenseless.

4 Shinobu

Not only is Shinobu's fight one of the hardest in the game, it's also the first real challenge players will face. Anyone that's still shaky on the combat might be in for a few runs at the armed assassin. She's incredibly fast and even when players hit her, Shinobu will recover incredibly quickly and make players pay.

As frustrating as it is, a measured approach is the best path to victory. Learning the safest moments to attack is crucial, especially since she can parry most attacks that aren't timed correctly. Surprisingly, she's most dangerous when she puts away the sword, preparing for a fatal combination that must be avoided at all costs.

3 Holly Summers

While Holly doesn't have a huge array of devastating attacks, she does have a list of annoying strategies that will throw off most game plans. She starts off by digging holes in the sand, which the player won't be able to see until they fall in them. This will both leave the player vulnerable to attack and make the battlefield a nightmare to navigate.

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This is accompanied by Holly's three ranged weapons and the literal missile launchers she has for legs. Players need to pay close attention when she spins around, launching her homing missiles into the air and creating chaos. This attack only gets worse in the later stages. However, if it's interrupted, a big counter attack is possible.

2 Henry

As the character that's better than Travis in every way, why wouldn't Henry be one of the toughest fights in the game? Avoiding his attacks will be priority number one, as players that get a little too loose with their defense will be in for a rude awakening. This means being conservative with attack too, seeing as he can counter any long form combination players try to send his way.

That doesn't mean Henry doesn't have his own long combination in store, ending with two charged attacks that will take out weaker characters. This does leave him open for a counter grapple to deal some damage. Just when players think they have him figured out though, he unleashes a fight-ending move that must be dodged at all costs.

1 Jeane

Jean is fast and powerful, a lethal combination when the arena is slowly shrinking in. The main problem in defeating this boss is landing a hit on her, especially when it's so difficult to counter attack. This fight will be a game of one or two pokes at a time, squeezing them in after her complex combinations.

Taking a step back from attacking and figuring out her combinations will be a great help. This can benefit players even more when she has less and less space to use her speed. Sharpening up the dodge is crucial, since this is the only way to get in close enough to cancel out some of her big moves. Staying sharp and patient is the only way to beat her. Any lack of focus could make this fight end badly.

NEXT: No More Heroes: How To Get Real Ending

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