Tuesday, 15 June 2021 21:57

Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends – All Legendary Gear Items & What They Do

Written by Aden Carter
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Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima: Legends comes with 20 legendary gear items, each one offering unique advantages in battle.

Ghost of Tsushima has some new surprises in store for fans of the game. Recently, Sucker Punch released an update for the game that added a multiplayer mode called Legends. This multiplayer mode allows players to play through a co-op story, run 4-player survival missions, and challenge their abilities with weekly nightmare missions.

RELATED: Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: Best Techniques Of All Classes

Not only that, but each class in the multiplayer mode gets access to tiered gear that enhances their abilities. Some of this gear, of course, is legendary. These legendary items offer some of the best abilities to use against the Mongols, so it is only fitting to go over what they actually do.

Updated June 16th, 2021 by Aden Carter: Even though there are no new legendary items that have been added to the online mode of Ghost of Tsushima, many players have come to notice ways of making new builds with the ones available. Some of the legendary items in the game are able to be combined to pull off some impressive feats. Not all of these legendary items are created equal, however, so a few are avoided. New builds for the online have proven to be extremely effective against the Mongol hordes.

20 Master's Katana

  • Legendary Katana
  • Allows player to switch between any stance

This katana is an essential piece of gear for anyone who loves switching between stances to gain an advantage on the battlefield. Those who have played the Legends Mode know that each katana has one stance. A second stance can be added if the katana comes equipped with it or is rerolled to get it.

This can be annoying and takes away from other abilities the katanas can have. However, that isn't a worry with the legendary Master's Katana. This katana comes with the ability to switch between all four stances, freeing up the perk slot on it for another ability.

19 Demon Cutter

  • Legendary Katana
  • Staggering a target has a 30% chance to throw nearby enemies

The Demon Cutter has got to be the Mongol's worst enemy, or at least one of the worst. The perk of this legendary katana gives the player a thirty percent chance of throwing nearby enemies whenever they stagger an opponent.

In other words, this katana is made for crowd control. Imagine running into a group of enemies, staggering one, and everyone else getting thrown backward by a mysterious force. That is the power of the Demon Cutter.

18 Stone Striker

  • Legendary Katana
  • Allows player to use Improved Heavenly Strike

Any fans of Heavenly Strike? If the answer is yes, then players should hope that the Stone Striker katana drops for them. This katana gives the player access to the Heavenly Strike ability without it consuming a perk slot.

Consequently, the player can have access to any of the other useful perks to add to it. Not only that, the Heavenly Strike ability granted by the Stone Striker is stronger than the original making it great for stronger enemies.

17 Yonitsune's Hand

  • Legendary Katana
  • Staggered enemies have a 30% chance to be knocked down

Yonitsune's Hand may as well be considered a slightly weaker version of the Demon Cutter. This katana gives the player a thirty percent chance to knock down an enemy stagger by the blade. While it may not be as powerful as the Demon Cutter, it still offers the player a serious advantage over tougher enemies.

Additionally, the ability is great when combined with an extra stance perk so players can stagger enemies easier. This weapon is also most powerful on the assassin or samurai, since they are the most effective at staggering enemies.

16 Masamune's Edge

  • Legendary Katana
  • Melee attacks have a 20% chance to deal double damage

The damage that this weapon can stack is amazing. Combine Masamune's Edge with as many damage buffs as possible, because its ability has a twenty percent chance for the player's damage to be doubled.

RELATED: Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: Game Mechanics Players Should Remember

That may not sound like a high chance, but when some enemies can take a fair amount of hits, that twenty percent definitely comes in handy. This blade is ideal for going up against an Oni, as those types of enemies can take some serious damage.

15 The Weightless Spirit

  • Legendary Bow
  • Arrows fired from this bow do not drop

The Weightless Spirit is the only legendary half bow in the game, but it certainly is useful for bow lovers. Arrow drop can be a real hassle for a warrior using these weapons. Distant enemies can sometimes be a pain to hit, especially when attempting to get a headshot.

This bow's ability makes it so that arrows no longer drop on their way to the target. It's super useful for anyone who might be struggling with their hunter build.

14 Stone Skipping Bow

  • Legendary Bow
  • Headshots ricochet to nearby enemies

If headshots aren't a problem, try the Stone Skipping Bow. This is the only legendary longbow in the game, but it is by far the most useful for the hunter. It's headshot ricochet makes it great for clearing groups of enemies, and is even more effective when stacked with ranged damage. Every hunter should consider equipping this bow, since they're the only ones who can.

The Skipping Stone box works especially well when combined with Lady Sanjo's Surprise, due to the hallucination effect. Enemies affected by Lady Sanjo's Surprise have a chance to hallucinate. Since this is also a dirt throw, it blinds enemies for a short while. Let mayhem ensue while the player escapes to an area they feel comfortable aiming their bow, where they can cause the headshot ricochets.

13 Forbidden Medicine

  • Legendary Bomb
  • Bombs heal nearby allies

This item is for anyone who is a fan of the ronin class in Ghost of Tsushima: Legents. Forbidden Medicine is a bomb pack that brings out the true healer in any skilled ronin. Its ability allows thrown bombs to heal the player as well as nearby allies.

Furthermore, the bombs still harm enemies. This item is beyond useful when running survival missions with the toxic cloud modifier active. The bomb pack is more than capable of saving everyone's life — and ending an enemy's.

12 Heaven's Sting

  • Legendary Blow Dart
  • 20% chance to kill non-oni enemies

The assassin class is highly skilled at taking down enemies without being seen, and each skill makes killing easier. Each ability allows the assassin to hide and carefully scout the environment before coming in for the kill.

Heaven's Sting is another tool for the assassin's arsenal that is designed to make executing targets easier. This blowgun has a twenty percent chance to instantly kill any non-Oni enemy, making it another deadly tool for a deadly class.

11 Sacred Iron

  • Legendary Charm
  • Enemies that hit the player have Weakness applied to them

Imagine if all enemies could just be a little weaker. It would make everything easier, right? That's why the Sacred Iron charm exists. This charm comes equipped with an ability that inflicts the Weakened debuff on any enemy that strikes the player with melee damage.

RELATED: Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: Pro Tips For Playing The Assassin

Weaken causes enemies to simultaneously take more damage, and deal less damage with their own attacks. Not much can get better than that, now can it?

10 Shogun's Fortitude

  • Legendary Charm
  • Makes players immune to flash and poison effects

Flash bombs are super annoying, but they don't come close to poison. If only there was a way to get rid of the effects of these nasty annoyances! Luckily, there is.

The Shogun's Fortitude charm gives the player the ability to avoid these debuffs in their entirety by making them immune. It may not increase damage or give players new abilities, but getting rid of those annoying effects is probably one of the most useful abilities of any legendary item.

9 Benkei's Last Stand

  • Legendary Charm
  • 15% chance to negate arrow damage

Archers are probably the biggest annoyance in Ghost of Tsushima, and this legendary charm helps to make them a least a little less irritating.

Benkei's Last Stand gives the player a fifteen percent chance to avoid all damage from an arrow. It may not be the biggest chance, but for any player who has a problem with dodging arrows, it can be a true lifesaver, especially when facing several enemies.

8 Enjo's Remorse

  • Legendary Charm
  • 15% bonus damage while at full health

Damage is a necessity in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, especially on nightmare missions. Enemies become so tough that not even the best assassin can stealthily kill enemies in one hit. Thankfully, the Enjo's Remorse charm increases all player damage by fifteen percent. The downside is that this bonus only applies while the player is at full health.

Enjo's Remorse has lately been combined with the Demon Seeds, since Demon Seeds afflict enemies with the Weaken status effect. With these two items combined, players can more easily take down enemies with a single hit. This is even effective on the harder difficulties, when enemies become exceedingly tough to take down.

7 Last Breath

  • Legendary Charm
  • Negates fatal damage and heals the player for 50 health
  • Effect occurs once every 5 minutes

The Last Breath charm is a lifesaver, literally. It's one of the best charms for players who need a little extra help when taking on multiple enemies at one time. Its ability allows the player to skip out on taking fatal damage and instead heal for fifty health. The only downside is that the ability can only activate once every five minutes, but that's a small price to pay to avoid a fatal blow.

The Last Breath charm is great for those who are looking to make stealthy Samurai builds. If a player wants to equip more than one legendary item, they can also go along with Spirit Kunai. This will help decrease the cooldown of the Last Breath charm so it can be used more often.

6 Spirit Kunai

  • Legendary Kunai
  • Getting a kill with the Kunai lowers all cooldowns by 15%

The Spirit Kunai is not the most powerful legendary in the game, but the item can prove useful if players are tired of waiting on those pesky cooldown timers. Whenever a player gets a kill with these kunai, it lowers the cooldown timers of all the rest of their abilities by fifteen seconds.

RELATED: Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: Pro Tips For Playing The Ronin

The Spirit Kunai is great to have for any build that runs two legendary items. Many builds nowadays use two legendary items to really help get the abilities and effects happening often. Many of these builds use the Spirit Kunai to help get their abilities back fast. Mostly Samurai builds use this item, but there are a few Ronin builds that use it as well, since they get increased ghost weapon damage.

5 The Touch Of Heaven

  • Legendary Sticky Bomb
  • Heals nearby allies

This is yet another item that is probably best utilized by Roni, but can be good on any class. The Touch of Heaven is a sticky bomb, but not just any normal sticky bomb. This sticky bomb heals any ally caught in the blast. The Touch of Heaven doesn't heal them tremendously, but it does give a bit of a boost. Combine it with other healing items, and players could have a great healing build going.

A few healing builds are out there for players who want to help in a more supportive way than attacking the Mongols head-on. Some players would rather do things defensively and bolster their allies with perks from other legendary items. Combining the Touch of Heaven with Kenji's Sacred Brew can help keep allies healed. This especially helps when dealing with a group of enemies.

4 Kenji's Shared Brew

  • Legendary Healing Gourd
  • Heals nearby allies when used

Ghost of Tsushima loves its healing items. While the normal healing gourd heals the player for a small amount each time it is used, Kenji's Shared Brew does much more than that.

This legendary healing gourd is potent enough to heal all nearby allies for a small amount along with the player who uses it. Like the Touch of Heaven, it's super useful when combined with other healing items. Maybe it's a good thing that Sucker Punch included so many healing items in the game.

3 Lady Sanjo's Surprise

  • Legendary Dirt Throw
  • 15%  chance to cause enemies to hallucinate

There is something strangely appealing about throwing dirt in an enemy's face before cutting them up with a katana. Lady Sanjo's Surprise takes that tactic and adds a twist to the formula.

Unlike run-of-the-mill soil, this dirt has a fifteen percent chance to cause enemies to hallucinate. This is an amazing boon when players are stuck in a hard battle. When enemies hallucinate, they begin to attack one another in desperation, making the player's job much easier.

2 Mist Of Yagata

  • Legendary Smoke Bomb
  • Heals nearby allies

The Mist of Yagata is useful when players are in a bind. Usable by every class, it is a necessity for those who struggle with keeping their health up when confronting multiple foes.

As anyone knows, smoke bombs hide the player from enemies and allow them to get in some stealth attacks. The Mist of Yagata adds to this by allowing all players within the smoke to heal. The longer they stand within the smoke, the more their health recovers.

1 Demon Seeds

  • Legendary Caltrops
  • Afflicted enemies are applied with Weakness

Last, but certainly not least, the Demon Seeds make up the last of the legendaries in the multiplayer mode. The caltrops are probably the least used weapon in the multiplayer, but the Demon Seeds might just change everyone's opinions of that.

These legendary caltrops have the amazing ability to apply the Weaken debuff to every enemy that touches them. This makes for a bonus to a somewhat lackluster ghost weapon, making them way more viable than ever before.

NEXT: Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: Pro Tips For Playing The Samurai

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