Sunday, 12 January 2025 11:30

Red Dead Redemption May Need to Pull a Fallout New Vegas More Than Ever

Written by J. Scott Thurlow
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In light of Rockstar's development times, Red Dead Redemption following Fallout: New Vegas' example could benefit it now more than ever.

Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption has become one of the most popular and lucrative series in gaming history. The franchise's sprawling 1800s Western world, rich narratives, and compelling characters have captivated fans since Red Dead Redemption was released in 2010. Rockstar then took nearly ten years to deliver the second title, and RDR2 was an even bigger success in 2019, going on to break records and managing to one-up its predecessor in pretty much every way. Suffice to say the hype and anticipation for a third Red Dead entry has remained high, even though one is yet to be officially confirmed, and is largely assumed to be many years off in any scenario.

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