Tuesday, 14 January 2025 22:16

One Magic: the Gathering UB Mechanic May Not Be Dead in The Water

Written by Andrea Trama
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Magic: The Gathering's Universes Beyond sets typically introduce new mechanics, and a past one seems likely to return in the future.

There are several mechanics in Magic: The Gathering's past that were either one-shot additions or discontinued over the years for different reasons, be it because they didn't fit in the game anymore, or they were becoming problematic. For example, Fear is one such mechanic that was eventually removed from the game with no current plans for it to return, despite it being relatively popular among players. 2025 will be a big year for Magic: The Gathering, with six Standard-legal sets being released, divided into three Magic Universe ones and three Universes Beyond. Universes Beyond often have set-specific mechanics that don't see much use thereafter, but one of these past mechanics may come back in some shape or form.

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