After the tragic death of Resident Evil 8 voice actor Jeanette Maus as a result of an eight month battle with colon cancer, fans and colleagues have gathered online to express their condolences to the actress and her family. However, in addition to supportive words, some fans have continued to go above and beyond to raise money for the friends and family of the House Dimitrescu voice actress.
Much of this outreach from the Resident Evil community, as well as from fans of Maus' other works in titles like Charm City Kings, has come in the form of GoFundMe donations that had originally been made to help with the ongoing treatments. As a result, the campaign has now reached and passed the original goal that would have gone towards medical bills and living expenses accumulated while Maus was unable to work.
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In total, fans have raised over $61,000 at the time of this writing, and contributions are continuing to pour in as more people rush to show their support for the grieving family. The result is that the original goal of $60,000 was reached within days of Maus' passing, which should mean that the medical bills accrued during her battle with cancer will be at least partially accounted for thanks to these dedicated fans. Considering the circumstances, there will likely be more expenses to come, such as funeral costs and other processes that the unfortunate events will have lead to, so the support is still going to a worthy cause.

As for the GoFundMe campaign itself, there have been no updates either about or since Maus' passing, though it was being run by friends and family who are likely grieving the recent turn for the worst. So, fans probably shouldn't expect to hear much until estates are settled and the family has had time outside of the public focus that these events have caused. However, fans can still continue to donate to the campaign, and check out the Resident Evil 8 demo to appreciate the actress' role as the daughters of House Dimitrescu.
While there have been no updates on the GoFundMe campaign, it is still active and fans can continue to contribute after the goal has been reached. So, there is still time for anyone who wants to show their support to Maus' family during this troubling time. It could be a small gesture to make the Resident Evil 8 actress' passing easier for those who have been affected, but it could still go a long way to help the family.
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Source: GoFundMe