Saturday, 19 June 2021 15:30

10 Best Rick And Morty Quotes That Are Insightful | Game Rant

Written by Erik Petrovich
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For a show with as many over-the-top antics as Rick and Morty, there are a lot of moments that inspire deeper introspection.

For as ridiculous as some shows from the animated network Adult Swim are, some of their shows have the unparalleled ability to reveal real human experience through comedy. No show is more indicative of this than Rick and Morty, which just entered its fifth season.

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Fans of the show have noticed the strangely well-developed philosophy behind the show that influences the insane narrative arcs within. Within the over-the-top world of Rick and Morty are some insightful ideas about life, the universe, and everything in between – if viewers can get past the unfortunate stereotypes of the show's fans, that is.

10 "Nobody Exists On Purpose..."

When Summer discovers that she was in an accident and that Jerry and Beth were originally going to have an abortion, she kind of freaks out a little bit. After a schpiel about how he's not really the real version of her brother from that reality, he calms her down with a minor bit of neutralism.

The full Morty quote, from the Season 1 episode Rixty Minutes: “Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?”

9 Planning for Failure

When Morty and Rick have to create a humanity-saving song from scratch in an intergalactic music competition where loser planets are destroyed by the giant head Cromulons. Morty wants to go back home and get his parents before they start anything, though.

Rick's quote, from the Season 2 Get Schwifty episode: "That’s planning for failure Morty. Even dumber than regular planning."

8 "...That's How We Grow As People..."

In the very first episode of Rick and Morty, the writers were already showing off their dichotomy between absurd humor and genuinely meaningful interactions. To convince Morty to put special seeds up his rear end, out of nowhere he gives a genuinely decent piece of advice.

The full Rick quote, from the pilot episode of Rick and Morty: "I know that new situations can be intimidating. You're looking around and it's all scary and different, but you know, meeting them head-on, charging into them like a bull — that's how we grow as people."

7 Meeseeks Advice on Family

Mr. Meeseeks is an entity that can be used to accomplish just about any goal. It's a summonable servant, essentially, but it can do a lot more than just petty tasks. In this episode, Beth uses a Meeseeks to learn how to become a more whole woman.

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The full Mr. Meeseeks quote, from the Season 1 Meeseeks and Destroy episode: "Having a family doesn’t mean that you stop being an individual. You know the best thing you can do for the people that depend on you? Be honest with them, even if it means setting them free."

6 "...Carpin' All Them Diems"

Summer has a strangely laid-back attitude to her surroundings, and at the beginning of the Mad Max-fueled episode, she reveals a little bit about why she keeps her perspective a little bit more in the moment.

The full Summer quote, from the Season 3 episode Rickmancing the Stone: "That's because losers look stuff up while the rest of us are carpin' all them diems."

5 Rick's Thoughts On School

Rick's long monologues are usually more revealing about his own character than about some grand truth in the universe. For as much as fans of the show don't seem to understand this, no quote is more obvious of this fact than his thoughts on school from the first episode.

The full Rick quote, from the Rick and Morty pilot: "It’s a waste of time. Bunch of people runnin’ around bumpin’ into each other, got a guy up front says “2 + 2,” and the people in the back say, “4.” Then the bell rings and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or somethin’. I mean, it’s not a place for smart people, Jerry."


The Meeseeks are a wound-up ball of universal questions, like where do they come from? How are they tied to somebody else's requirements? What happens when they stick around for more than a few moments? No question is more daunting than the last, which the Meeseeks become hyper-aware of as Jerry continues to fail at improving his golf game.

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The full Meeseeks quote, from the Season 1 episode Meeseeks and Destroy: "Existence is PAIN to a Meeseeks, Jerry. And we will do anything to alleviate that pain..."

3 Unity Leaving Rick

Unity is the only lover Rick would have given up just about everything for, but while he thought everything was going smoothly, Unity had been doing some self-reflection and came to the conclusion that they couldn't be together at the end of their episode.

The full Unity quote, from the Season 2 episode Auto Erotic Assimilation: "I realize now that I'm attracted to you for the same reason I can't be with you: you can't change. And I have no problem with that, but it clearly means I have a problem with myself."

2 "What About The Reality Where Hitler Cured Cancer?"

When Morty asks Rick about what happened to their original reality after leaving it, Rick very abruptly responds to shut him down. Most people think about positive outcomes in other realities, but Rick is always there to remind Morty that things in the universe are messed up.

The full Rick quote, from the Season 1 episode Rick Potion #9: "What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Morty? The answer is don't think about it."

1 Snowball's Perspective On Dog Ownership

Snuffles is the family dog in Rick and Morty until the episode where he accidentally gains human-like sentience. He goes around punishing the humans in the same way they punished him, and even goes as far as to reference the allegorical novel Animal Farm in his chosen new name, Snowball.

The full Snuffles, uh, Snowball quote from Season 1's Lawnmower Dog: "Tell me, Summer, if a human was born with stumpy legs, would they breed it with another deformed human and put their children on display like the Dachshund?"

NEXT: Rick And Morty Season 7 Is Being Written Before Season 5 Even Airs

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