Saturday, 15 February 2025 22:00

Elder Scrolls 6 Could Build on Skyrim's Famous Smithing With a D&D Trick

Written by Shayna Josi
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Dungeons and Dragons has a complex rules system, but borrowing a trick from its proficiency system could improve The Elder Scrolls 6.

One of the biggest improvements that Skyrim made to The Elder Scrolls was in Smithing. The Last Dragonborn can create armor, weapons, and accessories, alongside improving them at a forge. The process of Smithing in Skyrimis also intuitive and accessible even at early levels, making it a great way to earn money and gain access to better gear. A few tweaks from Dungeons and Dragons' tool proficiency system could make Smithing in The Elder Scrolls 6 even better, without compromising the improvements that Skyrim made to The Elder Scrolls' Smithing skill in general.

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