Sunday, 31 January 2021 16:00

Smite: 5 Gods That Need A Buff (& 5 That Need To Be Nerfed)

Written by Green
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There are a lot of Gods to choose from in Smite. Some of them are in need a buff and others should be nerfed immediately.

With a roster like Smite's it can get tricky to sift through all the characters and find out what's worth putting time into, especially seeing as every one is a god. This also changes and twists when it comes to different positions on the team and the certain game mode being played, both confusing and frustrating the future player.

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Luckily, even in the big bundle of powerful beings are a few that stick out on either end of the spectrum, so far in one direction that fans have either asked for a buff or nerf. Making these select few either a big favorite to win from the jump or the hardest road possible.

10 Nerf - Kukulkan

High damage with a low skill barrier, Kukulkan remains as one of the most effective gods in the game. This is especially true for those who are used to the mechanics and range of attacks it brings to the table. One of the best things about the god being its ease of play and consistent power throughout every phase of battle.

There's little build-up to the power ceiling and playing with Kukulkan lets those that know what they're doing get a head start on characters too slow to move first. His magic power is the key to victory, combine that with one of the most consistent styles in the game and the complicated setups of other characters can be cut through like butter.

9 Buff - Poseidon

Where Poseidon was once considered a playable mage, other characters have simply moved up the rankings and been buffed far past the god of the sea. He now falls to the bottom ranks simply by receiving no significant buffs, letting gods that have adapted over time expose his weaknesses and fairly predictable attacks.

Consistent damage is one of the pillars to success, something that Poseidon doesn't have by a long shot. Being held down in the early game can take out most of his damage, uncovering his weak defenses. While the god definitely has some annoying tendencies that make the game a nightmare for some, pinning him down is too easy for those who are prepared.

8 Nerf - Odin

Every character has its specialty and for Odin support is king. The god provides so much benefit with his attack speed buff and upgrade to his ultimate move. A once medium-tier character has now been pushed into the Nerf category when it comes to helping out his teammates.

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In fact, other than a few mechanical issues that can be exploited in a solo battle, Odin stands above most of the roster. This is especially obvious when it comes to his massive damage potential, something that can be heavily leaned on with a player who's familiar with the god.

7 Buff - Nike

Almost every god has their niche, unless they belong to the unlucky few at the bottom of the barrel. Nike's was her constant buffs and ability to remain alive through a giant forcefield, further raising the stats of the team as the game went on. This has now been taken away and replaced with a mostly useless buff that offers little to no help at any stage.

It's a case of a nerf gone wrong, one that has taken a unique, useful character and only left unique. Now offering a tiny bump to power and movement speed, the god roams the battlefield as a useless lump. Her weak attack power being previously balanced by what she added to the other players stats is now a glaring hole in Nike's game.

6 Nerf - Yemoja

This is a god that flies under the radar for the general population, mostly due to her strange style of play and difficult to grasp attacks. It's definitely not a god that can be picked at random and wreak havoc on the battlefield, players need to know the character and be able to use her to the best of their ability.

Her first attack is famous for being spammed as it both slows down the enemy and can take up to half of their health. This is complemented by the waves she can send out, if they hit allies then it will heal and shield them while enemies get a big hit for their trouble.

5 Buff - Loki

A real dividing point for some of the Smite community, Loki's journey through the seasons has been an annoying one at best. Offering headaches for those that have come up against him while showing some glaring weaknesses for players, his new revamped character is hopefully the beginning of a new age.

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Reworking the character is something that a lot of fans had been asking for, preventing his style from ruining games. Now that it has happened, players of the god are left with an off-balance character. Something that will hopefully be fixed up in the coming patches, time will tell if the god can make a comeback in the eyes of the community.

4 Nerf - Heimdallr

While it might be easy to tell just by the look of him, Heimdallr packs one hell of punch. So much so that players are asking for a nerf, mostly due to his ability to take a god from full health to death with one ultimate move. Even gods that can technically counter the character have to do so with extreme caution at the risk of running into one of his massive attacks.

Not only is the power too much to handle but his range is enormous, casting wide swings that are next to impossible to dodge. While the character page says playing the god is hard, any half-decent player that can get in range is bound to do a truckload of damage in most games. Ultimately making Heimdallr one of the textbook examples of an OP god.

3 Buff - Osiris

The once-feared jungler has since fallen in the rankings, leaving him at the bottom of the pile of many. Another victim of various changes to his moves and attack power, Osiris is now little more than a punching bag in serious need of an update.

Never meant to wipe everyone out in one fell swoop, all he needs are the skills to be the best at taking shots while chopping the health of his enemies. Both creating an opportunity to attack and being a general nuisance, fans have been calling for the comeback for a long while now.

2 Nerf - Bastet

Ever since Bastet's cats became a more integral part of her gameplay the goddess has stepped up a few notches, not only tracking her prey but keeping her cat minion on their tail until they die. The best being her gain of movement speed when she's in the enemies trail, making escaping all the more difficult.

Some encounters in Smite leave the player unsatisfied with enemies escaping when they're in critical danger, Bastet is the solution. Especially when she has her guardian cats summoned and every ability is further buffed, making the only option head to head combat.

1 Buff - Hel

Hel is a character with some unique mechanics that just doesn't have enough power to be exciting, a healer who has one foot in the door and the other one trying to put up a fight. Her change between light and dark side represents a very middle ground attack and support.

Not only that but her stacked damage and healing abilities are mana hungry, to say the least, draining the massive mana support players will need much quicker than expected. In the end, Hel's unique abilities are just more to worry about, leaving fans wanting for more.

Next: Smite: Best Cthulhu Builds

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