Wednesday, 23 June 2021 14:30

Skyrim: How To Make A Fortify Enchanting Potion | Game Rant

Written by Demaris Oxman
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Fortify Enchanting is one of Skyrim's most useful alchemy effects, both for gameplay and for earning riches.

Fortify Enchanting is a highly useful alchemical effect for Skyrim players. Players can gulp down one of these to easily enhance the powerful magic they apply to their armor and weapons. Additionally, potions with this effect are highly valuable, and churning them out can earn the player mountains of gold.

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Though it looks complicated at first, crafting potions can quickly become second nature. Whether the Dragonborn is looking for riches or for enhanced power, these tips should prove invaluable when it comes to increasing one's Enchanting skill through Alchemy.

Potions of Fortify Enchanting do exactly what it says on the label. When the Dragonborn drinks these concoctions, the items they craft at the Arcane Enchanter will be more powerful than usual.

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The exact degree to which the enchantments are strengthened, as well as the length of the effect, are determined by the Dragonborn's alchemy level. To boost the Alchemy skill, players can grind out potions or pay NPCs for training. Gear with the Fortify Alchemy enchantment will also increase the skill while the Dragonborn wears it.

As with any potion, these brews must start with the right components. Aside from the DLC ingredients, most of these can be purchased from alchemy vendors across Skyrim to save time. However, it can feel very rewarding (and help save money) to hunt down and collect the items oneself.

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  • Ancestor Moth Wing: Exclusive to the Dawnguard DLC, Ancestor Moths can be found only in the Ancestor Glade, which the player visits during the main Dawnguard questline.
  • Blue Butterfly Wing: Blue butterflies are common throughout Skyrim. Players can catch plenty of them in the wilderness outside Whiterun.
  • Chaurus Hunter Antennae: Another Dawnguard ingredient, these drop from killed Chaurus Hunters. Players can find these foul creatures in Dwemer ruins and caves where Falmer and Chaurus dwell.
  • Hagraven Claw: As the name implies, players can loot these from killed Hagravens. Be careful going up against these creatures, as they use powerful destruction magic.
  • Snowberries: These little red berries grow all over Skyrim's northern regions. Players can find plenty of them across Winterhold, the Pale, and Hjaalmarch.
  • Spawn Ash: This is a Dragonborn-exclusive ingredient. Players can loot this strange dust from remains of the Ash Spawn that wander the island of Solstheim.
  • Spriggan Sap: Despite the name, this ingredient can't be looted from Spriggans. Players must purchase – or steal – Spriggan Sap from various alchemy merchants. It will also be included if the Dragonborn purchases an alchemy lab for certain homes.

Whether for personal use or to sell, it's always a good idea to work more than one effect into a potion. Since Ancestor Moth Wing, Blue Butterfly Wing, and Chaurus Hunter Antennae each have the same four effects, combining any two of these ingredients creates a highly valuable brew.

Other ingredients can also be used to create multiple effects. For example, combining Spriggan Sap with one of the above ingredients as well as Blisterwort will create a potion fortifying both Enchanting and Smithing. The Dragonborn can use this to improve their most powerful weapon, then imbue it with magnificent magic.

NEXT: Skyrim: How To Cure Vampirism

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