Apex Legends will be getting Skull Town as a temporary Arenas map thanks to the upcoming Genesis Collection Event. This limited-time Apex Legends event will come with the usual new, themed cosmetics as well as a new heirloom set for Revenant, but it will also bring back the original Kings Canyon and World’s Edge battle royale maps for the duration of the event.
Skull Town was a fan-favorite drop location in the original Kings Canyon map due to its size and potential for chaos in the early stages of battle royale matches. It was destroyed in Season 5 of Apex Legends when Loba blew up an underground facility housing Revenant’s source code and fans have wanted to see it return ever since.
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With the Genesis Collection Event, Skull Town will be added as an Arenas map that appears in one-hour increments in the normal Arenas map rotation. Normally Arena maps rotate every 15 minutes from a pool of three maps which changes every two week. Skull Town is a large area that is dominated by small, narrow shacks on the outskirts, and tall buildings in the middle, allowing players top to either opt for controlling the high-ground or fortifying a building down below.
While there will not be a new limited-time game mode as with previous collection events, Genesis will instead add map takeovers which bring back the Apex Legends launch version of Kings Canyon and the original World’s Edge when it was introduced in Season 3 along with Crypto. The maps will take over Trios and Duos and will rotate every hour. Olympus will remain the Ranked mode map.
On Kings Canyon, the new Season 8 Crash Site area will be gone and major locations such as Skull Town, Cascades, and Bridges will be back. For World’s Edge, the Harvester will be gone, the Capitol City will no longer be fragmented, and the loot train is back.
The Genesis Collection Event, which starts on June 29 and ends July 13, adds plenty of new cosmetics, balance changes, and various quality-of-life changes too. The event is themed around going back to past with the old maps and skins showing the Legends in their previous lives before they joined the Apex Games.
Respawn introduced the massive Legacy update for Apex Legends nearly two months ago which brought Valkyrie, an updated Olympus map, and the new Arenas map. Since then, there has been a bit of a content drought as players waited for an event, so Genesis has arrived at a perfect time. Apex Legends players should keep an eye on EA Play 2021 for potentially more Apex Legends news.
Apex Legends is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
MORE: What Apex Legends' Arenas Should 'Steal' From Overwatch
Source: EA