Sunday, 31 January 2021 18:15

Warzone: How To Win One Versus Four Gunfights | Game Rant

Written by Payton Lott
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There will be times when you have to face an entire enemy team by yourself in Warzone. Here's a look at how to get it done.

One of the most difficult scenarios in Warzone is a one versus four gunfight. Casual gamers will have trouble dealing with multiple enemies and surviving. There are several strategies that skilled players use to juggle four enemies and get a squad wipe. No player can kill four enemies at once, and fighting low man is a learned skill.

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Most Warzone players are not prepared for an outnumbered gunfight, and many of the tactics professionals use are not easy to employ in-game. Players should not be discouraged when they lose an outnumbered engagement, and each death should be a learning experience. Average gamers should watch the best streamers and try to emulate their strategies and movement, which are outlined below.

Top tier Warzone players can navigate one versus four situations by getting enemies down and fighting opponents one by one. The first step when taking on multiple enemies is to get the first down. Players should try to isolate a player in the open or catch the first enemy off guard. Once the first opposing player is down, the odds of escaping the fight alive increase tenfold. One of the four players will likely try to revive the downed teammate, and there will only be two players unaccounted for.

After every down, players need to move to a new and advantageous position. Players should do a split second cost-benefit analysis before deciding whether to bait or finish a downed opponent. Semtex and frag grenades can be used to try and get the quick finish on a downed opponent behind cover. Likewise, airstrikes and clusters are equally useful when trying to finish off a kill. Warzone players should armor up and reload while moving to a new position. Next, players can take on the final three enemies in a similar fashion. Even the best players run from gunfights, and sometimes that is the best option if enemies are bunched together.

Unpredictability may be the most important thing beginner players need to learn to kill multiple enemies in the same fight. Professional Warzone players are constantly trying to outwit opponents and there are a variety of ways to surprise enemy players. One way to out smart opponents is to learn creative jump spots throughout the map. Great players use unexpected methods to gain a positioning advantage. Players need to anticipate what the enemy expects them to do. Bobbing, slide canceling, and jump challenging are sound tactics to keep enemies guessing.

In the split second it takes to aim down sight, players can lose gunfights. Skilled players are always pre-aiming down sight to make sure that they fire the first bullets on an enemy. Players should be aiming down sight when looking in the direction of an enemy team. Seasoned Warzone players know the typical peek locations and common flanks in Verdansk. Players that want to eliminate an entire squad should check all of these locations frequently to ensure they are not being pinched. Similarly, players should be looking in every nook and cranny for opposing players. When moving in the open, players should look both ways for enemy players or glint.

Players that come up against a competent team may not be able to kill all four players. Airstrikes and cluster strikes are crucial when trying to run away from a difficult situation. Players will be in the best position to escape if they have a vehicle with a trophy system nearby. The truck, also known as Bertha, is the best vehicle to use as it has the smallest hitbox of any vehicle in the game. The subway is an underused escape route worth mentioning, and there are ladders to the subway hidden throughout the map. Players need to make sure to jump on the right train, however, as you can be taken into the gas.

Low man players need to make sure they have the plates and ammo to fight four consecutive enemies. Warzone players that are low on plates or ammo need to leave the fight and get plates and ammo before re-engaging. Escaping the fight does not mean losing the war. Players can relocate to a more advantageous position and kill the remaining enemies.

If players have equipment and upgrades, they need to use them appropriately to kill all four players on an enemy team. Flashbangs and stun grenades are extremely important when fighting more than one opposing player in a confined space. Semtex grenades and C4 can be used to breach a room or fend off enemies.

Dead silence and stopping power are impeccable tools when in a man-down scenario. Dead silence serves as both an offensive and defensive tool. Players can enter a gunfight and exit without being noticed. Stopping power is just as effective, and players can down two or even three players with one clip.

NEXT: Warzone: 10 Underrated Season 1 Loadouts That Are Actually Good

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