Saturday, 26 June 2021 19:30

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Transmutation Spells In 5e

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Mages looking to warp the very foundations of reality will find these spells are their perfect cup of tea.

Transmutation proves that matter and energy, the very things that make up reality itself, are malleable to a Spellcaster's whims. In Dungeons & Dragons, the Transmutation School transforms a Spellcaster into a weaver of reality — capable of changing the very nature of things around them. As such, transmuters become dedicated to unraveling the finer secrets of the universe. 

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Moreover, D&D 5e has an interesting selection of Transmutation Spells that enable Spellcasters to literally change the battlefield in their favor. In fact, some Transmutation Spells can become a Spellcaster's deadliest tools without even hurting a hair on the opponent.

10 Goodberry (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 action | Instantaneous
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (in the form of a spring of mistletoe)
  • Classes: Druid, Ranger

When a Caster uses Goodberry, 10 magical berries appear in their hands. When consumed, these Goodberries not only heal for 1HP but also provide enough nourishment to last a day.

Goodberry isn't as potent as other powerful Healing Spells. However, Goodberry can become a lifesaver in early dungeoneering or even in the case of emergencies. Goodberry becomes a wonderful tool when used immediately after combat, especially when the party needs some immediate healing. When cast after combat or after finding safe haven, Goodberry can become a great first-aid solution before resting.

9 Gaseous Form (3rd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 action | 1hr (Concentration)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (in the form of a wisp of smoke as well as a bit of gauze)
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

At a flick of a wrist, a willing target of this Spell becomes a mist cloud for the entire duration. In Gaseous Form, the target only has 10-feet Speed but has all the benefits of being mist. This includes intangibility, occupying another creature's space, resistance to nonmagical damage, and even Advantage to Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength Saves. The Spell ends once the target gets to 0 HP.

Gaseous Form restricts targets by not allowing them to cast Spells, attack, talk, and interact with objects. However, it serves as a great way for creatures to transform into effective and almost non-detectable scouts.

8 Longstrider (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1hr
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (and a pinch of dirt)
  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Wizard

Longstrider remains quite the straightforward Spell — the Creature the caster touches will get a burst of speed. In turn, their overall Speed increases by 10-feet until the Spell ends. The caster can also increase the number of targets for every higher-level Spell Slot used.

Its 10-feet boost might seem minuscule, but this makes all the difference in tricky situations. Aside from its benefits to slower Races and bulkier Classes, that slight movement boost can temporarily grant a hulking Barbarian or plated Paladin the maneuverability of a Rogue or a Monk.

7 Stone Shape (4th-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (in the form of soft clay)
  • Classes: Cleric, Druid, Wizard

Stone Shape demonstrates a Spellcaster's eventual mastery of manipulating stone. When cast, a stone or section of stone that is Medium size or smaller can be transformed into any shape.

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The main caveat of the spell requires the resulting shape to be no larger than 5-feet in any dimension. However, with enough creative spirit, that stone can become a weapon, a statue, or even a small 5-foot passage.

Granted, Passwall (5th-Level) can create an instantaneous pathway. However, 5th-Level Slots are rarely achieved in any campaign and may be assigned to more potent Spells.

6 Haste (3rd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Up to 1 minute (Concentration)
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V S M (in the form of a shaving of licorice root)
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

In combat, speed is key. This is what makes maneuverable Classes such as Monks, Rangers, and especially Rogues so dangerous. And with Haste, anyone else can get that much-needed speed boost. When cast, a willing creature will get +2 AC, double Speed, and Advantage to their Dexterity Saves. They even get an extra Action for their turns while Hasted.

This extra Action can help slower characters Hide, Disengage, Dash, and even Use Objects. However, when used for damage-intensive Classes, then that extra Action can deal quite the devastating extra Attack against fierce bosses. Of course, the party has to consider that Hasted creatures will suffer an entire turn of inaction once it's over.

5 Spike Growth (2nd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 10mins (Concentration)
  • Range: 150 feet
  • Components: V S M (in the form of seven thorns or small twigs, each with sharpened points)
  • Classes: Druid, Ranger

Luckily, a Spellcaster doesn't necessarily need a Fireball to take care of pesky enemies en masse. With Spike Growth, a Spellcaster can transform a 20-foot radius within 150 feet of them into difficult terrain. The ground will conjure up so many thorns and spikes that all creatures moving into or within the area will get 2d4 Piercing Damage. This damage persists for every five-foot movement they make.

Spike Growth also does a great job of camouflaging itself. All creatures who couldn't see Spike Growth at the moment will need to make a Perception (WIS) Check. Spike Growth is a great inexpensive crowd control option for fast exits.

4 Dragon's Breath (2nd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Bonus Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (in the form of a hot pepper)
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

Thanks to Dragon's Breath, any willing creature with a mouth essentially becomes a miniaturized dragon. Spellcasters will empower the target of Dragon's Breath with a miniaturized breath weapon — be it Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison. As an Action, this empowered creature can exhale this energy in a 15-foot cone with a whopping 3d6 damage of the same type.

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With Dragon's Breath, a Spellcaster can transform an ally, a companion, or even a familiar into a damage dealer. Granted, this does run the risk of transforming said familiar into a target. However, the 3d6 damage is an immediate godsend against stronger opponents.

3 Enhance Ability (2nd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1hr (Concentration)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (in the form of feather or fur from a beast)
  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer

Teamwork makes the dream work, and there's nothing wrong with a little bit of magical assistance during arduous tasks. Essentially, this Spell grants Advantage on checks for one Ability. Moreover, some Ability enhancements also come with tiny additional perks.

Granted, the Skill Empowerment (5th-Level) enhances a target's specific Skill. However, giving an ally (or more than one, if used with a higher-level Spell Slot) an instant Advantage on checks can benefit a ton of situations. These work best when used on the "face" of the party, or when helping another Spellcaster empower their magical abilities.

2 Shape Water (Cantrip)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1hr (Instantaneous)
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

Transmuters know that the more versatile the raw material, the more that can come out of it. And of all materials out there, perhaps nothing tops water.

At its core, Shape Water lets casters "rearrange" all water within a 5-foot cube that they can see. They can change the flow of water in a non-damaging way, change its color, freeze an unoccupied wet space, and even transform water into moving shapes.

Of all elemental manipulation Spells, Shape Water is perhaps the most versatile. Effects can be as simple as creating a small ice bridge, blocking corridors, or even hiding messages. In turn, a barrel of water easily becomes one of the most versatile tools in a Spellcaster's arsenal.

1 Prestidigitation (Cantrip)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1hr
  • Range: 10ft
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

When someone says "Magic is simply misdirection," then Prestidigitation does exactly that. At its core, this Cantrip transmutes a minor magical trick that, for all intents and purposes, is practice magic.

In turn, Prestidigitation creates extremely minor effects. These include the creation of harmless sensory stimuli. Great examples could be snuffing out fires in small areas, instant cleaning, adding flavor, or even casting a small symbol onto an object for a limited duration. At the hands of a skilled and creative player, Prestidigitation can generate awe in even the most unrelenting of enemies.

NEXT: Things You Need To Know Before Starting Your First Dungeons & Dragons Game

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