Sunday, 27 June 2021 05:30

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Evocation Spells in 5e | Game Rant

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Any spellcaster would like to wield these powerful pieces of magic.

Evocation becomes a Spellcaster's go-to School of Magic to harness the elements that permeate existence. In Dungeons & Dragons, the Evocation School helps Spellcasters conjure fire and cold, thunder and lightning, or even acid to suit their needs. As a result, Spellcasters become evokers that fight for the weak, defend the motherland, or become tyrants themselves. 

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Interestingly, D&D 5e has quite the repertoire of deadly Evocation Spells for any Spellcaster to use. These range from usual elemental bolts to attacks that sear or cackle across huge areas. Thanks to the sheer damage potential of Evocation, any Spellcaster would find use of these Spells against their opponents. 

10 Crusader's Mantle (3rd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Paladin

A Paladin can evoke divine energies and radiate a holy aura that extends up to a 30-foot radius. All friendly creatures alongside the Paladin will now deal an extra 1d4 Radiant Damage whenever weapon attacks hit the target.

Despite its straightforward nature, Crusader's Mantle is a much more efficient use of a Spell Slot compared to the weaker Divine Favor (1st-Level), which is exactly this Spell but only works with the caster. Given the offensive nature of the Paladin, this aura works well with allies that have a swath of weapon attack options.

9 Aura Of Vitality (3rd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: Self 
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Paladin

A Paladin can choose to evoke divine energies into another 30-foot aura, this time with defensive properties. As a Bonus Action, the Paladin can have a creature inside the aura to regain 2d6 Hit Points.

Given its powerful healing nature, Aura of Vitality works best as an emergency heal outside combat. This is considering that Aura of Vitality can become more potent than other mass-healing Spells. Remember, if used for its full 1-minute duration, Aura of Vitality can heal 20d6 HP. In the absence of immediate resting, Aura of Vitality is a surefire lifesaver.

8 Faerie Fire (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Bard, Druid

With Faerie Fire, a caster can force colored lights to highlight all objects within a 20-foot cube. Creatures that fail a Dexterity Save will also get a highlight. All objects and creatures detected by Faerie Fire will glow in dim light up to a 10-foot radius. Moreover, attackers get Advantage to Attack Rolls on all affected creatures and objects.

Invisibility is a ridiculously powerful trait for any creature - be it defensively and offensively. Thankfully, Faerie Fire is an early-game option that can reveal invisible enemies - removing their potential Advantages against the party.

7 Sacred Flame (Cantrip)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Cleric

A Spellcaster in tune with the Divine like a Cleric could call upon flame-like radiance to blast a creature in range. That target should make a Dexterity Save or suffer 1d8 Radiant Damage. And the kicker? Cover won't help against the Save at all. Moreover, Sacred Flame damage scales at 5th Level (2d8), 11th Level (3d8), and 17th Level (4d8) - meaning, Sacred Flame will almost always be useful, even in emergencies.

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Granted, Sacred Flame won't hold a candle against other more damaging Cantrips. With most settings featuring a ton of Undead as opponents, Radiant Damage always comes in handy. Moreover, at 3d8 Radiant Damage by 11th-Level, Sacred Flame may as well replace a weapon attack.

6 Magic Missile (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

When cast, Magic Missile releases three darts of glowing magical energies. These darts can heat one creature within range, with each dart dealing 1d4 + 1 Force Damage. When used with a higher-level Spell Slot, Magic Missile creates another dart.

Damage-wise, Magic Missile will probably just scratch most opponents. However, this 1st-Level Spell is a great asset when used against small fries that still pose a significant threat due to their sheer numbers. In turn, Magic Missile works when fighting enemy minions or even finishing off various opponents at once.

5 Eldritch Blast (Cantrip)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Warlock

When a Warlock releases an Eldritch Blast, they release a beam of energy towards their target. This prompts a ranged Spell Attack, wherein a hit guarantees 1d10 Force Damage. However, Eldritch Blast does scale with the caster's Level. Eldritch Blast will get two beams (5th Level), three beams (11th Level), and even four beams (17th Level), wherein each beam can target the same or different foes.

As the second highest-damage Cantrip in terms of base damage, it makes sense why Eldritch Blast is a Warlock staple. Moreover, given its Force Damage property, very few monsters can resist its damage.

4 Leomund's Tiny Hut (3rd-Level, Ritual)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Minute | 8hrs
  • Range: Self 
  • Components: V S M (in the form of a small crystal bead)
  • Classes: Bard, Wizard

When cast, Leomund's Tiny Hut takes the form of a dome of force that is 10-foot in radius. This dome is immobile and remains intact for the entire duration. It can fit nine creatures (Medium Size or smaller), but the Spell fails if a Large creature is inside its vicinity. While active, nothing can move into the Dome — even attacks and Spells. Moreover, the atmosphere inside the dome remains dry and comfortable, regardless of the outside weather.

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Aside from being able to command the interior to be dimly lit, players can also choose the dome's exterior color. And while the eight-hour duration makes it perfect for resting, the Dome is also great defense when taken by surprise. Additionally, creatures within the Dome when it's cast can move through it as they please — making it a great vantage point for hit-and-run strategies.

3 Sickening Radiance (4th-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration:
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

With Sickening Radiance, a Spellcaster spreads a dim green light around a 30-foot sphere. Creatures in the sphere or moving into the sphere should make a Constitution Save or risk suffering 4d10 Radiant Damage as well as one level of Exhaustion. This happens every time they start their turn in the sphere!

Imagine if a Spellcaster can create the equivalent of radiation poisoning. Given its overall damage potential to all creatures, Sickening Radiance is best used in closed spaces that players can escape from. However, what makes Sickening Radiance isn't just the fact that invisibility won't work in its space. Rather, the Exhaustion progression makes it much easier for players to pepper through targets.

2 Vitriolic Sphere (4th-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 150ft
  • Components: V S M (in the form of giant slug bile)
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

When cast, Vitriolic Sphere appears in the form of an emerald ball of acid that is a foot in diameter. This explodes in a 20-foot sphere, wherein creatures in that area need to succeed in a Dexterity Save or suffer 10d4 Acid Damage alongside another 5d4 Acid Damage when their next turn ends. On a save, they take half the initial damage and none when their next turn ends.

Think of Vitriolic Sphere as a Fireball, but this time dealing Acid Damage. And while Vitriolic Sphere isn't as explosive as Fireball, it does deal the rest of the damage within the opponent's next turns. When used after Sickening Radiance, Vitriolic Sphere may just finish off a cluster of opponents. While the damage isn't a pushover, Fireball still tops Vitriolic Sphere in terms of impact and practicality.

1 Fireball (3rd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 150ft
  • Components: V S M (in the form of sulfur and a tiny ball of bat guano)
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

When something is blocking an angry Spellcaster, Fireball is almost always the solution. Upon casting, Fireball takes the form of a fiery explosion emanating from a point of the caster's choosing. All creatures within 20 feet of the point need to make a Dexterity Save or suffer 8d6 Fire Damage. They take half damage when they succeed.

Despite its straightforward nature, Fireball is definitely a go-to damage dealer for any Sorcerer or Wizard. It's almost too simple to use and its Spell Slot is worth the while based on its sheer impact.

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