Sunday, 27 June 2021 22:45

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Why Aerith's Big Moment Might Have to Wait for Part 3

Written by Zackery Carnley
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One of Final Fantasy 7's pivotal moments surrounds Aerith, affecting the game in major ways, but FF7 Remake may be a ways off from that point.

Fans are excited to see how far the story will progress in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 when it eventually releases. The first game introduced some huge changes to the overall narrative, opening the door for a different vision of the original's events. Now that Cloud and the others have defied fate by defeating the Whispers in the first Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the events to follow could be unique. One event from the original carries so much weight for the story that it's likely to still occur, however.

Longtime fans of Final Fantasy and gamers in general are likely already aware of a pivotal moment involving Aerith. After continuing their journey to pursue Sephiroth, Cloud and the others find themselves in the City of the Ancients. The crumbled city was once home to the Cetra, the "Ancients" that inhabited the planet from which Aerith and Sephiroth are descended. Many fans are wondering if Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 will feature Aerith's death as she tries to obtain the Holy materia. It's more likely the emotional moment won't make an appearance until at least the third game in the remake project.

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The main reason why Aerith's death should  be pushed back to a later game is simple: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 already has a lot to address. Looking at just the original game's narrative, there's a healthy amount of content before the City of the Ancients. The end of the first part of FF7 Remake sees players leaving the city of Midgar after defeating the Whispers and Sephiroth. By contrast, Cloud and AVALANCHE escaped Midgar hours into the original game. The amount of detail put into expanding Midgar will likely be brought to the rest of the game's world, which would by its nature extend the length of the overall experience.

One thing FF7 Remake did well was manage to extend the length of the Midgar section of the original while not feeling artificially extended overall. The detail and care put into fleshing out Midgar and some of the original FF7's opening moments was critical to its success. It is safe to assume that Square Enix is putting just as much care into the rest of the game as players get to explore beyond Midgar. But there's a lot of places, characters, and events between the end of FF7 Remake and Aerith's death in the City of the Ancients.

FF7 Remake has lots of areas left to explore. As a basic sequence of locations, players visit Kalm, Chocobo Ranch, Mythril Caves, Fort Condor, Junon, the ship, Costa Del Sol, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, the Gold Saucer, Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Corel, Wutai, the Temple of the Ancients, and the mining town ahead of reaching the City of the Ancients. That list seems exhaustive, but it drives home the point. If FF7 Remake Part 2 similarly fleshes out its locales as the first game did with Midgar, the game will be enormous. This isn't even mentioning a few side areas, optional character events, and side quests all available in the same amount of time.

There are many moments from the original game to explore. Just based on the assumption that Square Enix will expand most areas to better represent the new vision of FF7's world, the next chapter will be a huge game. Even more likely to affect when Aerith's death appears are changes to the story and the FF7 Dirge of Cerberus content brought in with Intergrade. These changes will likely feature prominently in FF7 Remake Part 2, further extending the playtime.

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Now it seems safe to assume that Zack Fair is alive in FF7 Remake, and in the same timeline as the others, and this impact will be felt most by Aerith and Cloud. In the original game, Aerith and Zack were a romantic couple before Zack left on the mission that would eventually lead to his death. Meeting Cloud, she immediately saw a lot of Zack in him, and that helps drive their relationship. Their similarities had come at the cost of Zack's life and Cloud's psyche. In the original, Cloud suffers a mental break after being experimented on and witnessing Zack's death outside of Midgar.

Exploring Zack's side of the story now that he is alive again will probably take up a chunk of game time in the next chapter. Whether that means Zack will be a playable character and interact with the other characters remains to be seen. That being said, it's nearly impossible that he won't at least be heavily featured. This is already adding to the staggering amount of characters likely to come in FF7 Remake Part 2. The arrival of Deepground in Intergrade will also need to be reckoned with depending on how different the game's timeline becomes from the original.

Deepground is an important facet of Dirge of Cerberus and the extended story of FF7. The events of Dirge of Cerberus occur several years after the original game and the Advent Children movie. The Deepground research facility had already been operating during the events of the original game, but players never encountered it. Intergrade changed that by having Yuffie stumble into the facility on her mission to acquire Shinra's "ultimate" materia. Here she encountered FF7 Dirge of Cerberus villain Nero - another of Shinra's attempts at creating super soldiers to rival even Sephiroth.

The members of Deepground may or may not appear in the immediate sequel. While the original FF7 timeline would imply the main game wouldn't introduce Deepground elements, the defying of fate could change when and how they make their way into the forefront. It's also possible that Zack could encounter them separately if he continues to make his way into Midgar. Intergrade impacts the next chapter in major ways, and combining those with elements already present in the original means there likely just won't be enough time to reach the City of the Ancient - and that moment fans are likely dreading.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 is currently in development.

MORE: Honeybee Inn is a Prime Example of How Final Fantasy 7 Remake Will Change

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