Monday, 28 June 2021 23:00

Higurashi: 10 Questions From Gou That Need To Be Answered In Sotsu

Written by Adriano Valente
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Higurashi Gou left many fans of the series with tons of questions. With Sotsu right around the corner, these are the ones that need to be answered.

Following the end of episode 24, Higurashi Gou left fans with some answers but even more pressing questions as to how the sequel narrative will play out. What initially seemed like a simple remake turned into an ambitious narrative of its own, pitting two of the series’ most beloved characters against each other.

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Series creator Ryukishi07 thrives when scattering small clues and hints throughout his narratives, giving readers and audiences everything they need to solve the mystery at hand. But the overall mystery in Gou seems to have already solved itself. What’s left is for fans to ponder on the outcomes and consequences of these events. The announcement of Higurashi Sotsu will likely clear up most of the remaining questions fans have, with these standing as the most prominent.

10 What Exactly Happened During Gou’s Question Arcs

Following the format of the original series, Gou presents the viewer with various question arcs that provide clues as to the overall mystery at hand. The 2006 anime covered the first four chapters of the visual novel, with 2007’s Kai adapting the remaining four answer arcs. Gou seems to mirror the question/answer arc format of the original but does so with its own twist.

Satoko’s surprising reveal towards the end of the season already answered the question of who was forcing Rika to undergo more loops, with the “Village Destroying” arc providing the framework as to Satoko’s motivations and means of doing so. While Sotsu will give viewers more context, the most prevalent question now becomes what happens to Satoko and Rika following episode 17.

9 Miyo’s Role

Miyo Takano was a key cog in the overall mystery of the original series, and if Gou is anything to go by, she will likely still be relevant in Sotsu’s narrative. Miyo and Jirou’s deaths following the Watanagashi Festival always indicated the beginning of the end in every loop, serving as the main catalyst for Keiichi’s paranoia and starting the clock on Rika’s time left in a given timeline. As the series goes on, Miyo is revealed to be the mastermind behind the various tragedies plaguing Hinamizawa.

Things play out differently for both Miyo and Jirou in Gou. Instead of “dying” on the night of the festival, the two escape the village and therefore circumvent the parameters that lead to Hinamizawa’s destruction. Miyo is revealed to have visions of previous fragments that alter her actions and way of thinking. As with certain other characters, this reveal has huge implications and though it puts Miyo on the sidelines, leaves viewers wondering what role – if any – she’ll have going forward.

8 Where Is Shion After The Timeskip?

While Shion is considered to be part of the series’ main cast, she’s often be regulated to a supporting role throughout the various arcs – aside from the “Cotton Drifting” and “Eye Opening” arcs, which revolve around her. With the new series intent on exploring Satoko and Rika’s dynamic and essentially regulating the rest of the main cast to supporting roles, some fans feel as though Shion received the short end of the stick throughout Gou’s run.

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Shion is present through most of Gou’s question arcs, but the series’ telling of what happens post “Festival Accompanying” arc in the original timeline completely takes Shion out of the picture. Sotsu’s key visual shows an older Shion standing alongside Rena, Keiichi, and Mion, indicating that she’ll probably play a somewhat larger role. Given how protective and attached to Satoko Shion is, it wouldn’t be too farfetched to assume she’ll play some part in helping the former come to her senses.

7 Is Satoshi’s Role In The Series Really Done?

Before the events of the main series, Satoshi played a role similar to Keiichi and the circumstances surrounding his fate would play into the red herring that was Oyashiro-sama’s Curse. His mysterious disappearance would fuel both Keiichi and Shion’s paranoia and his departure would place a massive emotional and mental strain on his sister, Satoko.

Given that Gou is a deeper exploration into Satoko’s character, one would assume that Satoshi would be involved in some way or another. But the comatose Satoshi – unlikely to awake – only makes one appearance towards the end of the season, with Satoko resolving to say goodbye to her brother for good in pursuit of her goals. No matter how unlikely it seems, Satoshi’s reemergence could be the catalyst in ensuring Sotsu gives its cast a happy ending.

6 The Umineko Theory

The confirmation of the Satoko looper theory had many implications, but one that fans are most excited about is the possibility of Higurashi tying into another Ryukishi07 work; Umineko. Berkanstel has long been accepted as being an alternate version of Rika, and design similarities have led many to speculate that Satoko and Lambdadelta are one and the same as well.

Eua’s reveal late in the series provided yet another connection, implying some sort of shared continuity between all Ryukishi07 works in a short bit of throwaway dialogue. Like Satoko and Rika, Eua heavily resembles one of Umineko’s powerful witches; Featherine. Ryukishi07 has refused to acknowledge them as different characters and hasn't confirmed that they're the same entity either. The author is known to play coy with and misdirect his fan base, so viewers shouldn’t expect a direct answer to the questions at hand.

5 Can Satoko Be Redeemed?

Of the five main cast members from the original series, Satoko always seemed like she was the most underdeveloped despite being one of Higurashi’s most compelling characters. Ryukishi07 set out to fix that with Gou, and while the series adds a new element to her character, Satoko’s actions have understandably left fans with mixed emotions.

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Satoko’s feelings of abandonment and isolation within the confines of St. Lucia are certainly understandable. Rika does deserve some share of the blame for her obliviousness throughout the situation, but there’s no denying that Satoko is playing the role of villain in the new series. The introduction of the Onigari-no-ryuuou sets Sotsu up for a potentially tragic end, but things could easily end on a lighter note if the two friends can talk things out and allow for Satoko to redeem herself.

4 The Events of the “Curse-Deceiving” Arc

Of all the question arcs presented in Gou, the events of the “Curse-Deceiving” arc are the most intriguing. Not only is it the last to mimic the events of an original Higurashi arc, but it also seems to be where the narrative takes its biggest turn. The revelation that Satoko was likely manipulating her uncle following his change of heart would imply that Satoko potentially faked her trauma and used Teppei as a means of manipulating her friends as well.

This seems to match up with Satoko’s MO throughout Gou. But one thing that seems off is the absolutely chaotic way in which the arc ended. The shock and dismay Satoko shows during and after Teppei’s attack on Keiichi implies that she had no idea it would happen. The same thing can be said for Oiishi’s attack on the festival. If Satoko didn’t mastermind these events, then could an outside force like Eua, have taken action once Satoko found a loop she was content with?

3 What Exactly Happened To The Post “Festival Accompanying” Arc Timeline?

When Eua sends Satoko back to the end of the “Festival Accompanying” arc, she gives her one more chance to play things over before Satoko decides to fall back on the original set of loops. But seeing as Satoko was initially sent back in time without dying, it might be possible that the current set of loops exist in an alternate world outside of the post “Festival Accompanying” arc timeline.

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Time travel can get fairly convoluted, regardless of the narrative. Seeing as Higurashi has always utilized fragments as a means of explaining its various timelines, it isn’t too hard to imagine that Eua sent Satoko to an alternate world outside of the original. It might seem trifling, but this could very well be a key factor in Sotsu.

2 Who The Shard Will Be Used On?

As stated earlier, the Onigari-no-ryuuou’s inclusion in the series implies that either Satoko or Rika will meet a tragic end. The shard that Rika found may very well not be used at all throughout Sotsu’s run, but it’s unlike Ryukishi07 to include such a massive plot device without making some use of it later on.

Satoko could end up using it as a last resort, but it seems more likely that Rika would make use of the looper killing shard instead. It’s well established that Rika detests looping given all the pain it’s brought her. If push comes to shove, she could very well make the difficult decision of using the shard.

1 What Happens After The Satoko Reveal?

While the series went on to explore Satoko’s motivations in the episodes following her reveal as the villain in the “Cat-Deceiving” arc, most fans were desperate to know just what happened afterward. With Rika now aware of who her enemy is, and Satoko unwise to her new ability to recall events leading up to her death in past loops, Rika seems to have the upper hand.

Sotsu will likely touch upon the events of the previous arcs from other character’s perspectives, and only then finally address Episode 17’s confrontation. From that point, it’s anyone’s guess as to what direction the series will go in and what it’ll mean for Satoko and Rika.

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