Monday, 05 July 2021 18:30

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Enchantment Spells In 5e | Game Rant

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Enchantment spells might not be the flashiest out there, but they're invaluable in certain situations. These 5e spells stand out as the best.

Enchantment shows that magic has the capacity to touch lives without so much hurting anyone. In Dungeons & Dragons, the Enchantment School allows Spellcasters to beguile, entrance, or bewitch people with various effects. As such, enchanters can change the minds of the cruel or even charm people into doing their bidding. 

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Moreover, D&D 5e offers Spellcasters a great selection of Enchantment Spells to add to their toolkit of efficient utility Spells. In fact, some Enchantment Spells can add useful spice to otherwise ordinary roleplaying sessions - where an Enchantment Spell can stop a deadly battle ahead.

10 Synaptic Static (5th-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V S 
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Spellcasters with enough prowess can cause psychic energies to gather in an area and explode. Mechanically-speaking, Synaptic Static works within a 20-foot radius as far as 120 feet from the caster. Creatures above Intelligence 2 must make an Intelligence Save, wherein 8d6 Psychic Damage is at stake upon a failure.

Moreover, targets who fail will have muddled thoughts for a minute. This means suffering a 1d6 penalty to all Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, and even Concentration Saves. While the Spell does take a while to learn, Synaptic Static is a worthwhile ability to get given the limited number of creatures who can even accommodate an Intelligence Save.

9 Bless (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V S M (and a sprinkle of holy water)
  • Classes: Cleric, Paladin

Nothing's wrong with a blessing before a big task. With Bless, the caster's target can add a d4 bonus to all Saves and Attack Rolls throughout the duration of the Spell. Moreover, casting Bless with a higher-level Spell Slot lets casters have more targets.

Granted, a 1d4 might seem small at first. However, by the time party members get their Extra Attacks, Bless can turn the tide of battle. Of course, the damage output might not be as lethal to bosses, but the d4s can make a difference against a horde of opponents.

8 Heroism (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Bard, Paladin

At its core, a Spellcaster can use Heroism to bring forth the inner hero in a companion. Mechanically, Heroism not only grants immunity against being frightened. Rather, the target gets Temporary HP equal to the Spellcaster's Ability Modifier. When used with higher-level Spell Slots, Heroism can target multiple creatures.

Despite the rather minuscule benefit from Heroism, it can help not just in the early game but in extreme emergencies as well. For instance, at 18 Charisma (+4 Spellcasting Ability Modifier), Heroism can help a target stave off up to 16 Damage if kept active for four rounds. Consider how Cure Wounds with the same Modifier can only heal up to 12 HP (1d8 + 4). In turn, sustained Heroism is much more practical as a defensive measure.

7 Compelled Duel (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Bonus Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Paladin

When faced with injustice, a Paladin knows it's time to duel. With Compelled Duel, a Paladin can force a target to make a Wisdom Save. If they failed, the target will be forced to fight the Paladin. Throughout the duration, the target will get Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against targets aside from the Paladin. Moreover, they need to make a Wisdom Save whenever they try to move  to a space more than 30 feet away from the Paladin.

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Being the party's mainline defender, the Paladin can make great use of Compelled Duel to protect the party. In turn, Compelled Duel serves as a great threat mitigation tool to ensure that the Paladin gets to face the right target without risking the lives of teammates.

6 Suggestion (2nd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 8hrs (Concentration)
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V M (in the form of a drop of sweet oil or a bit of honeycomb, alongside a snake's tongue)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

With Suggestion, a Spellcaster can psychically nudge a target into doing anything within the realm of reason. The suggestions should also come in the form of a sentence or two of carefully-worded orders. If they fail a Wisdom Save, the creature will be compelled to do the suggested course of action throughout the entire duration.

Despite being too straightforward, Suggestion remains one of the most versatile Spells out there. With a helpful DM, Suggestion can greatly impact the state of play in a party. However, Spellcasters need to be mindful that they need to Concentrate on the Spell throughout its duration. This means its commands are best pursued outside combat.

5 Sleep (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min
  • Range: 90ft
  • Components: V S M (and a cricket, rose petals, or a pinch of fine sand)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

Who would've thought forcing enemies into a deep slumber could deal so much damage? Thanks to Sleep, a low-level Spellcaster - or even a high-level magical savant - can dismantle hordes of creatures.

Essentially, the caster needs to roll 5d8 to determine the total HP the Spell can affect (average of 22.5 HP). Sleep will force creatures within 20ft of the caster to fall asleep, starting from those with the lowest HP and above. Afterward, the player will subtract the creature's HP from the total HP, and moving in an ascending order until there's no total HP left in the pool. The caveat here is that Sleep only affects creatures that have equal or less HP than the total in the tool.

Given the low average HP, this Spell easily won't work against higher-level opponents. However, the party may also find a way to debilitate enemy numbers and use Sleep as an instant area-wide  finisher.

4 Enemies Abound (3rd-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 120mins
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Ever been so confused in combat that one can't distinguish friend from foe? Enemies Abound will accomplish exactly that. When cast, the target must succeed an Intelligence Save or risk losing the ability to identify its allies. For the entire duration of the Spell, this target will treat everything as enemies. It can only try to stop its rampage with another Intelligence Save, prompted every time it takes damage.

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What's horrifying about Enemies Abound is that the targeted creature must attack the creatures nearest to it at all costs. Moreover, it's compelled to make Opportunity Attacks whenever possible. Considering that many opponents have low Intelligence Modifiers, using this against a powerful-enough enemy can obliterate their own ranks while players watch.

3 Vicious Mockery (Cantrip)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

When cast, Vicious Mockery releases insults imbued with enchantments towards a target. The unfortunate target doesn't need to understand the caster, for as long as it can hear the words. This target will be prompted to do a Wisdom Save or else take 1d4 Psychic Damage. However, where Vicious Mockery shines is with its effect - wherein a target that fails the Wisdom Save gets Disadvantage to its next Attack Roll.

Vicious Mockery doesn't hold the status of being the most iconic Bard Spell for nothing. Aside from its mechanical benefits, it has a lot of unique flavor to it. Moreover, its poor damage is easily counteracted by its extremely useful debuff.

2 Dissonant Whispers (1st-Level)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Bard

A Bard using Dissonant Whispers will release a horrible melody that only its target can hear. That target must succeed a Wisdom Save or risk getting 3d6 Psychic Damage. Dissonant Whispers hurts too much, in fact, that a target who fails the Save will have to use its Reaction to get as far away from the Bard as possible.

Due to its accessibility, Dissonant Whispers is a great method of dealing with bosses and other elite foes. Moreover, given its verbal-only component, Dissonant Whispers can be a great way to escape tight situations.

1 Mind Sliver (Cantrip)

  • Casting Time | Duration: 1 Action | Instantaneous
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

With Mind Sliver, a Spellcaster will release a discordant psychic energy trail that hits the mind of a visible target. They need to succeed an Intelligence Save or risk getting 1d6 Psychic Damage. On top of this, they also get a 1d4 penalty to their next Saving Throw before the end of the caster's next turn. Moreover, Mind Sliver scales in damage at certain level, for a whopping 4d6 Damage at 17th Level.

At its core, Mind Sliver works great as a Cantrip due to its debuff. Despite its small damage, a lot of creatures don't have decent Intelligence Modifiers. This means they'll likely fail Mind Sliver's effect and get penalized in their Saves.

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