Thursday, 08 July 2021 02:51

Twitch Bans Streamer Adin Ross | Game Rant

Written by Hunter Mass
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Twitch streamer Adin Ross receives his fourth ban from the streaming platform after clips of him livestreaming and driving are posted on Twitter.

Streaming giant Twitch isn't known for being the most fair when it comes to enforcing its many community guidelines, and there are many streamers that have been given bizarre reasons to why they were banned on Twitch. However, it seems that a ban levied against creator Adin Ross may have its merits.

For the unaware, Adin Ross is an IRL streamer over on Twitch, and a recent livestream showcasing the creator driving while streaming seems to be the cause of the ban. July 7, the streamer went live on Twitch while driving in his car, and was clearly checking his phone multiple times to follow chat messages. Ross's current suspension is his fourth on the platform, as one time he received a ban from Twitch for nudity and another for homophobic remarks.

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Ross took to Twitter soon after that livestream ended to let his fans know about his ban from Twitch. The streamer thinks it might be a permanent ban, at that. To defend himself, Ross states that he was "at a red light during my IRL stream and I read chat off of my phone." While Ross also acknowledges that he was in the wrong, the ban likely has something to do with illegal activities being against Twitch's community guidelines. In most areas of the United States, texting or otherwise using a phone while driving a vehicle is against the law.

Even before Ross received news of the ban himself, many viewers and other creators pointed out the issues with streaming and driving. Many streamers have criticized Twitch for double-standards and not enforcing bans equally, and fellow Twitch creator Jake'n'Bake had previously gotten a ban on the platform for a similar reason as Ross. It's quite possible that Jake'n'Bake's following tweet alerted Twitch staff to Ross's situation.

Though Ross later went on an Instagram Live to apologize, he was still adamant that he was at a red light when he checked his phone. Not only does Jake'n'Bake's clip show how that wasn't the case, multiple other clips were pulled of Ross fully driving with phone in hand. While many people believe Twitch needs to better justify its bans for different creators, many will look at Ross's ban and understand its justification. Texting and driving can be very dangerous to the point of costing people their lives.

Content creators like Ross can often have impressionable audiences, and it can be problematic to normalize behavior like texting and driving, or even driving while focusing on a phone screen. Some of Ross's viewers might not see things the same way, as many are already hoping for the streamer to be unbanned. Though some suspensions on Twitch may be under mysterious circumstances, such as the reason Dr. Disrespect was banned from Twitch over a year ago, the reason for this ban seems very clear. However, Ross states that he plans to appeal the ban.

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Source: Dexerto

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