Thursday, 08 July 2021 23:21

Pokemon Fan Comes Up With Evolutions for Quagsire and Magcargo

Written by Trumann Tu
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One Pokemon fan artist is creating their own region, and have shared their latest interpretations of evolutions to Magcargo and Quagsire.

With the Pokemon series spanning over eight generations now, there have been plenty of capturable critters over the years that players have encountered. The franchise having 25 years of history behind it, some Pokemon have gotten more love than others. This is usually done by giving them a Mega Evolution, Regional Variants, or extensions to their Evolutionary line. One fan artist decided to extend the evolutionary lines of Wooper and Slugma, adding a new final evolution.

From the classic starter Pokemon of Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil to the legends of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, there have been some brilliantly designed monsters from Pokemon Gold and Silver. While there have been some creative Johto Pokemon, some of these creatures have terrible viability in battle, Magcargo being one of these Pokemon. A fan artist by the name of Lugi-Oh on DeviantArt, or mezoregion on Reddit, decided to not only design the fire snail a brand new evolution, but also gave one to Quagsire too.

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Lugi-Oh's Mezo Region is entirely their creation, not only spawning some brand new Pokemon, but also Regional Variants, in the same vein as the variants introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield's Galar Region. One of Lugi-Oh's latest creations, calling them "Overdue Evolutions," is a final evolution for the Wooper and Slugma line. According to the Pokedex entries posted on their DeviantArt, these two Pokemon can be evolved after they've learned a certain move and gaining a level.

The art style is influenced by the older art that series designer, Ken Sugimori, had in the mid-to-late 90s era of the Pokemon series. The design for Gillbender, the evolution of Quagsire, seems to be based on the Beta design of Wooper. This can be seen with it being a fish-like Pokemon with a quadrupedal form, some aspects calling back to its axolotl-like design cues. The Magcargo evolution, called Caldropod, is a lava-like snail, like its prior form, with the back shell now becoming not only back armor but also a jaw-like faceguard and lava horns. When shared on Reddit, users have praised the choices in the design, and expressed their thoughts on the creativity in the design. Others began throwing possible ideas for stats for these new evolutions.

With the series going to celebrate 25 years now, the second generation of Pokemon is looked upon quite fondly. From its designs, gym leaders, and story, the games spawned from this time have something to remember. With this fan's designs, it brings to mind that the creativity for Pokemon is endless. Even if one trainer's Pokemon is low-tier, they're something that is a high tier for other fans. The potential for any Pokemon could be expanded upon if given a new idea, like an evolutionary form.

MORE: 10 Pokemon That Went Through An Awkward Middle Evolution Phase

Source: Reddit

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