Video games have increasingly been used as avenues not only for entertainment but for creative expression, beautiful artistry, powerful storytelling, and more. Many games have incorporated political messages into their stories as well, both subliminal and overt. A new indie game in development called Loddlenaut will have its own message to communicate to players, one all about ocean conservation.
Loddlenaut is an underwater survival game all about a custodian on the alien planet GUP-14 that is tasked with cleaning up trash from the ocean floor. Along the way, players will encounter cute creatures called loddles, the original inhabitants of the planet's oceans. Loddles can be befriended, raised, and evolved, making Loddlenaut part pet-sim. Game Rant had the opportunity to talk with Loddlenaut developer Ricardo Escobar about how game developers can find ways to help the environment, and how Loddlenaut can inspire players to learn and care about Earth's own oceans.
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Unlike many games that try to not be political, Loddlenaut isn't trying to hide that it has a message behind it. The game is all about cleaning up oceans, after all. In the process of cleaning up the alien waters of GUP-14, players will end up learning about the mega-corporation that destroyed the ocean ecosystem to begin with. Through the course of Loddlenaut, players are able to bring new life to the planet's oceans, bringing different creatures back to their natural ecosystems. However, while the very nature of the game communicates a message about ocean conservation, the developers don't want to force it down people's throats.
"That was something we’ve been trying to strike a tricky balance between having a game that’s obviously themed with ideas of restoring oceans and sustainable practices, and just ocean conservation in general, without it being too heavy handed. People naturally tend to resist messages if they feel they’re being lectured or taught overtly."
This sentiment from the developers is one that many players may appreciate. While protecting oceans and addressing climate change are serious issues, the message may be received better if it isn't as overt. Hopefully, players will be able to play through Loddlenaut and become inspired to learn more about how they can protect Earth's own oceans. Unfortunately, the need is becoming increasingly apparent every day. Earlier this month, a gas leak from an underwater pipeline off the coast of Mexico's Yucatan peninsula—quite literally—caught the ocean on fire. Events like this drive Loddlenaut's developers to be even more committed to incorporating an environmentalist message.
"As we’ve been working on this game, it feels like every month we turn on the news, and it’s something new related to how things are not looking great. We do feel more of a responsibility, more than just we’re making a game about cleaning up and it should be fun. Now we want to make sure that we get the science right."

Loddlenaut also wants to go even further. Just incorporating an environmental message into its gameplay is great, but the developers also want to find real-world ways for the game to make a difference. Escobar says that thanks to Wholesome Games featuring Loddlenaut during its Wholesome Direct, the game has gotten a lot more attention recently. This has opened up new opportunities for Loddlenaut, and its developers at Moon Lagoon, to collaborate with different organizations. While certainly exciting for the developers, partnerships with larger conservation-focused organizations could help communicate the game's important message to even more people.
"I can say that luckily with this extra attention we’ve been getting with the Wholesome Direct and the Kickstarter, we are starting to look into partnerships with organizations that promote ocean conservation. Things of that nature, I’m not allowed to reveal stuff quite yet. That is something, from the very beginning, we thought it would be so cool if this [Loddlenaut] could branch out into collaborating with people who don’t normally work in the game space, or don’t normally have a voice by broadcasting their message through games."
All in all, Loddlenaut is turning out to be a cute pet-sim with an important message hidden within its clean-up gameplay. Thankfully, the developers are aware of how their game can make a difference and want to capitalize on it. It's also clear that they aren't afraid to openly talk about it, as there are various games that have referenced climate change before, too. Politics aside, it is imperative to care for this planet humanity lives on. There is only one Earth, after all.
Loddlenaut is in development for PC with an anticipated release in 2022.
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