Friday, 09 July 2021 00:44

Pokemon GO: Where to Find Totodile | Game Rant

Written by Jessica Orr
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Pokemon GO celebrates its fifth-anniversary with a new collection challenge, and trainers have to catch Totodile to complete it.

Pokemon GO is the game that keeps going. While most mobile games lose a large portion of their player base over time, Niantic has kept fans coming back by slowly releasing new generations of Pokemon, fan-requested features, and celebrating different Pokemon with various events. Even Bidoof got his own special day.

July sees the fifth-anniversary of Pokemon GO, and one of the ways Niantic is celebrating is by rewarding trainers with a special Elite Collector medal for completing the Fifth-Anniversary Collection. This challenge asks players to catch 19 different Pokemon, which includes the second-generation water-type starter, Totodile.

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Trainers can find Totodile in a variety of places including:

  • By searching near bodies of water, or in the rain
  • Using Lure Modules and Rainy Lure Modules
  • Obtaining the ‘Power up Pokemon 5 times’ Field Research Task
  • Obtaining the ‘Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon’ Field Research Task’

Totodile isn’t usually easy to find, but with the special Pokemon GO Fifth-Anniversary event, the spawn rates of starter Pokemon have increased, and this includes when using a Lure Module,  which receives an x2 duration during the Anniversary event. Individual Lure Modules can be purchased from the shop for 100 PokeCoins, or 8 Modules can be bought for 680 PokeCoins.

One of the ways to find Totodile is by traveling to a Pokestop near water, or in the rain, and using a Lure Module to attract the Johto region starter. As a water-type, Totodile already has an increased spawn rate by bodies of water, like rivers or lakes. Using a Lure Module on top of this should eventually spawn Totodile, especially if players are using the Rainy Lure Module.

Another way to find Totodile is by completing Research Tasks. The July Field Research tasks include ‘Power up Pokemon 5 times’, which rewards either Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile when completed. Special tasks have also been added for the Fifth-Anniversary event, and amongst them is the ‘Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon’ task. This also rewards Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile.

As always, Research Tasks can be obtained by spinning Pokestops. If trainers pick up two of the same task, completing it will count towards both, so they can be stacked to save players Berries and Stardust. However, once a task has been picked up and completed, it cannot be obtained from spinning the same Pokestop again. Trainers will have to go searching for another if they didn’t get the popular starter Pokemon Totodile.

Keep in mind that a free Research Task slot is needed to obtain a task from a Pokestop. If players need to free a slot up, they can delete one by pressing the bin icon on the top right-hand corner of the task they want to get rid of. The Fifth-Anniversary Collection Challenge only lasts until July 15, so players should get searching for a Totodile as soon as possible if they want to catch ‘em all for the Elite Collector medal.

Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO: How to Catch Shiny Darumaka

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