As a general statement, Terraria is a very complex game. The title encourages players to explore and figure out a playstyle that works for them. While players are able to use whichever weapon they want, it's typically a good idea to "build" into a specific playstyle early on.
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There are three major weapon classes throughout the game - melee weapons, ranged weapons, and magical weapons (which includes Summoning staffs). Each of course has its benefits and its downsides, and it's generally a good idea to focus on two to balance each other out. Melee and Ranged, or Summoning and Magic, are good pairings for this reason.

The Melee Weapon Class in Terraria is made up of weapons that have a short attack range but hit hard. Swords, daggers, lances, flails, boomerangs, and hammers all fall under the melee weapon category.
Players can make a simple Wooden Sword almost instantly upon starting a new game, though it's quickly replaced with another as melee weapons are typically the most commonly found in Terraria. Melee weapons typically pair well with either Magic or Ranged weapon classes to counteract the lack of range.
Players who rely on Melee Weapons tend to use high-defense, punishing armor like the Chlorophyte armor so they can get in close to enemies without worrying about health loss. Melee-focused players should always have a plethora of healing potions on them at all times and have a grappling hook equipped as soon as possible to keep moving.
Melee weapons tend to hit the hardest of any weapon class in Terraria, but it comes at the cost of having to move into melee range. This isn't much of a problem for relatively slow bosses like the Eye of Cthulu or the Devourer of Worlds, but it's a death sentence for bosses like Plantera, who moves as quickly as she hits hard.
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Flails and Lances make up for the lack of range of the Melee weapon class pretty well, and Flails can deal constant damage to enemies if strategically left in one spot.
The Zenith is the most well-known end-game melee weapon, as it combines dozens of top-tier swords found throughout the game's normal progression. The Solar Eruption is the game's best Flail-type weapon, as it extends well beyond the normal range of a sword swing. Meowmere is a sword dropped by the Moon Lord itself, which shoots a Nyan-Cat-like rainbow at enemies on swing.

The Ranged Weapon Class in Terraria is a very powerful weapon class that relies on ammunition (most of the time). The weapons included in the Ranged Weapon Class include bows, guns, cannons, and most other projectile-based weapons.
It's a super useful and super powerful class with only a few drawbacks. It pairs great with any other Weapon Class for the variety of weapons and ammunition types available to it (some of which have special effects).
Ranged-focused players will spend a lot of their time acquiring ammunition and learning how to properly aim their ranged weapons from afar. It's best to keep as far of a distance between your target and yourself when in combat, and be ready to switch to another weapon if the enemy has closed the distance.
It plays well with armor that enhances ranged capabilities, like the end-game Vortex Armor or the mid-game Necro Armor. Additionally, players should aim to build the Ammo Box furniture item in their base as fast as possible for the chance to return costly ammo.
Ranged weapons are able to put out huge damage numbers at the literal cost of using ammo. It's not hard to find arrows, make bullets, or acquire other ammo normally throughout the game, whereas Magic and Melee weapons don't have such a requirement. Most ranged weapons, save for rapid-fire guns, have a slow rate of fire, too, making them inefficient for long-term damage output (at least, early on).
The S.D.M.G. (Space Dolphin Machine Gun) is the end-game version of the Megashark machine gun, with much higher damage and a higher chance to not consume any ammo. The Sniper Rifle deals insane damage at the cost of firing rate, while ammo like the Mini Nuke and the Crystal Bullet prove to take down all but the most insanely powerful foes from afar.

The Magic Weapon Class is made up of two chief categories: normal magic weapons, and Summoning magic weapons. Magic weapons are characterized by a reliance on Mana, not ammo, which can be regenerated over time with the help of player enhancements and armor. There is more variety in Magic weapons than any other class, with spells ranging from fireballs to lasers.
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This class pairs better with the Melee Weapon Class than the Ranged Weapon Class, as it is powerful and reliable enough on its own to deal damage from afar. If the player is going for a Summoning-focused build, though, it's better to choose the Ranged Weapon Class over the Melee Weapon Class as your summons will distract enemies.
The major thing players who want to focus on Magic Weapons is to build up Mana reserves as fast as possible. Combining Fallen Stars yields permanent Mana storage upgrades, and numerous items and trinkets throughout the game can further improve the player's ability to regenerate their reserves.
Magic weapons are typically paired with light armor and magic-enhancing trinkets. Players who focus on Magic tend to be fragile, too, as Melee and Ranged weapons come with more defensive upgrades than Staffs. Summoning-oriented players should the Whip as a backup weapon, as it commands summons to attack struck enemies.
The Magic Weapons Class is made up of powerful but fragile options that offer little in the way of defense for players. Pick up movement-enhancing trinkets, like the Speed Boots and Jetpack, to increase your odds of survival by being able to dodge enemies rather than take face hits. Magic Weapons vary across the spectrum of ranges, too, but it's best to choose staffs that let the player stay out of direct combat as much as possible.
The Last Prism is an item dropped by the Moon Lord that uses an insane amount of mana to do an insane amount of damage with light beams. The Nebula Armor adds a huge amount of mage, magic damage buffs, and other buffs that make for the best Mage gear in the game. Additionally, staffs like Razorpine work like the Throwing Knives, but with some of the highest damage output in the game.